Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1038: Be self-willed (29)

Mu Chuqing felt like she had died eight hundred times.

Sheng Yuchen is just a beast.

Mu Chuqing was lying on the bed, not wanting to move at the moment.

"Take a bath!"

Mu Chuqing dazedly propped her eyelids and said, but she barely rolled over and was too lazy to move.

Sheng Yuchen looked at her like this and couldn't help but laughed in a low voice.

Did not speak, but went down from the bed, glanced roughly in the room, finally found the bathroom, walked in, turned on the light, put moderate temperature water in the bathtub, walked out, and collapsed on the bed. Mu Chuqing carried into the bathroom.

Putting Mu Chuqing into the bathtub, Sheng Yuchen stood under the shower and rushed over, then cleared Mu Chuqing who was too lazy in the bathtub.

The blush on Mu Chuqing's face hadn't disappeared, and she was wrapped in warm water. Not only her face, but also her body were red.

Sheng Yuchen wiped her carefully, and when he wiped, Sheng Yuchen suddenly laughed in a low voice.

Hot water can relieve fatigue a little bit. Hearing Sheng Yuchen's low smile, Mu Chuqing slowly raised his eyelids and glanced at her.

I asked casually:

"What are you laughing at?"

Sheng Yuchen didn't look up at her, shook his head, took her out of the bathtub, dried her body, put on the bathrobe, and just carried him out silently.

Mu Chuqing originally wanted to ask him, but as soon as she put her body on the soft bed, she never wanted to waste any effort to ask him.

Sheng Yuchen went to bed later, she turned over and nestled in his arms and fell asleep.

Sheng Yuchen lowered his head to the side, looked at her tenderly, and finally sighed contentedly, and then gently dropped a kiss on her forehead, then slid down, holding Mu Chuqing into a deep sleep.


Sheng Yuchen got up early the next morning, but Mu Chuqing's sleep has become a little lighter over the years.

Sending a text message to the left wing to send him clothes, when he turned around, Mu Chuqing was already awake.

"Sorry, I quarreled you!"

Mu Chuqing moved, looked out of Meng Mengliang's window, and said in her voice that she just woke up lazily.

"Why so early?"

Sheng Yuchen bent over and kissed her and whispered, "It depends on you. Yesterday's work has not been finished yet!"

Mu Chuqing glanced at him lazily, "It's obviously you, OK?"

Sheng Yuchen returned to her, "Aren't you always seduce me?"


Sheng Yuchen bends his eyes, his voice is low and deep, "I blame you for being so seductive and human."

Mu Chuqing's white face blushed quietly, and she lifted the quilt and turned sideways not to look at him.

Sheng Yuchen smiled and stood up, looked at Mu Chuqing's back, and whispered, "I will pick you up and Doudou back tonight."

Mu Chuqing held the quilt and replied, "No."

Sheng Yuchen didn't speak, what's the use? You can rely on her for other things, but she will not even give her any room for rejection except that she wants to be with him.

After Sheng Yuchen left, Mu Chuqing fell asleep again.

When I got up, at a quarter past seven, I went to the kitchen to get bored with porridge, but I felt that Doudou, who always got up on time, hadn't gotten up today.

She rubbed her slippers to see, opened the door to see, Doudou really hadn't gotten up yet.

When he walked to the bed and called Doudou softly, Doudou opened his eyes in a daze.

After a long yawn, he rubbed his eyes and said to Mu Chuqing, "Mummy, good morning!"

Mu Chuqing replied and asked her: "Why do you look so sleepy today?"

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