Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1040: Be self-willed (31)

She cried out in surprise until she was wrapped around her waist from behind.

Perceiving the familiar breath from the man behind him, Mu Chuqing's heart was slightly relaxed.

But the body is still weak!

"Are you a ghost?!" I was almost mad at me, unconsciously!

Sheng Yuchen stroked her hair soothingly, "Sorry, I scared you."

But he didn't really intend to scare her just now.

Mu Chuqing was frightened abruptly, with a positive temper, and she really didn't want to bother him.

He apologized, but she did not respond.

Instead, he broke free, walked out of the kitchen, and looked into the living room, the anger in his eyes increased.

Doudou is gone.

that's nice!

Yes, she did it herself!

She abandoned them for three years, and now it's time to let their father and daughter play with her!

She should! She owes it! !


Sheng Yuchen really did not expect that this unintentional episode would change her mood so much. I have done this before, but it has never been like today.

The anger in her eyes at the moment is real.

I don't know that something in my heart was hooked out by this shock, and some of Mu Chuqing's negative emotions could not be restrained and went out.

"Don't you want to go back to Xishanju? I'll go back with you!"

As Mu Chuqing said, she untied her apron and threw it aside, and went out.

Sheng Yuchen frowned, her thin lips pressed tightly into a line, strode out, and chased Mu Chuqing at the door.

"I'm really sorry about the matter just now, if you don't want to go back tonight, don't go back!"

"I don't want to go back! I think!"

Mu Chuqing suddenly raised her head to look at him, her eyes flushed.

Sheng Yuchen was startled, but Mu Chuqing had already left the house.

Until Xishanju, Mu Chuqing didn't say a word in the car.

Doudou felt angry right from the beginning, and didn't ask any more questions.

After returning to Xishanju, Mu Chuqing ate dinner like a okay person.

Sheng Yuchen's phone call came before dinner was over. After hanging up the phone, he went to the study and said softly to Mu Chuqing before leaving:

"You eat slowly, I'll go to the study to have a video conference."

"Yeah." Mu Chuqing nodded and responded.

After Doudou had eaten, she glanced at Mu Chuqing and felt that she had better talk less, because if she didn't, she would accidentally step on the thunder spot.

"Mum, I'll go upstairs to do my homework."

"Yeah." Mu Chuqing replied faintly.

When she was the only one left in the restaurant, she also put down the dishes, turned her head and looked out the window, pondered for a while, and then stood up.

After the video conference was over, Sheng Yuchen went to the master bedroom to take a look. There was no Mu Chuqing in her room. He went to her room and looked at it. Nothing. He went to Doudou's room and asked Doudou, but Doudou said that he didn't see it.

After catching Sheng Yuchen, Doudou asked quickly:

"Dad, what's wrong with Mommy?"

Sheng Yuchen glanced at her and said, "I don't know."

Doudou casts a contemptuous look at Sheng Yuchen, "Does Xiao Shengsheng still play?"


After going downstairs, Mu Chuqing was still not on the first floor.

After asking the servant, Mu Chuqing took the car key and went to the Rose Manor in the back mountain.

The sky at the moment is not dark, but the night has begun to pull.

Sheng Yuchen was silent for a while, finally picked up the car key, drove the car, followed behind, and went to Houshan...

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