Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1049: Be self-willed (40)

As soon as she entered the entrance, Sheng Yuchen's scalp was numb and her eyes narrowed.

" sore!" Doudou cried out suddenly, and Mu Chuqing looked over, seeing Doudou spit out the sour plum with a sharp spirit with his eyes closed.


Mu Chuqing quickly turned to look at Sheng Yuchen, only to see his handsome face trembling slightly.

"Spit it out, spit it out!"

Mu Chuqing hurriedly pushed Sheng Yuchen's shoulders and put his hands to his lips.

Sheng Yuchen squinted his eyes and couldn't help it. Mu Chuqing slapped his shoulders, and finally lowered his head and vomited the contents of his mouth into Mu Chuqing's palms.

"Don't swallow, wait a minute!"

Mu Chuqing asked, turning to the left wing and shouting, "Stop!"

The car came to a halt slowly, Mu Chuqing crossed Sheng Yuchen, opened the door, pushed Sheng Yuchen down, and then drew a bottle of water from the storage bag and got out of the car.

He unscrewed the bottle cap and stuffed it to Sheng Yuchen, "Rinse your mouth quickly, haven't you swallowed it?!"

Sheng Yuchen shook his head, took the water and rinsed his mouth.

After waiting three or four times, Mu Chuqing held Sheng Yuchen's face and looked around, "I don't have a rash, are you okay?"

Sheng Yuchen shook his head, "It's okay."

Mu Chuqing breathed a sigh of relief immediately, "Scare me to death!"

Doudou also jumped out of the car, "What's wrong with Dad?"


"like me?"


Mu Chuqing felt that she was still separated from their father and daughter.

They even have this stinking problem.

It's just that Doudou has inherited part of her genes, and is not resistant to all acids.

Just when the three people were about to get in the car again, a harsh whistle sounded in front of the road.

There are generally no vehicles on this road. The left-wing car parked in the middle of the road. Hearing the whistle sound, Mu Chuqing urged Doudou to get in the car and leave.

When the car in front got closer and closer, and finally stopped slowly, Mu Chuqing hurriedly waved his hand at the car, signalling to wait and apologize.

But the next second, the door of the white Maserati was opened.


Mu Chuqing's heart tensed, and for half a second, he turned around and looked around. Before he could react at all, he saw a pale blue shadow, and then she was hugged.

"Woo...Chu Qing, Chu Qing..."

The woman hugged her and wept, and Mu Chuqing could obviously feel hot tears sliding down her shoulders.

"...Nuannuan?" Mu Chuqing hesitated for a while, then shouted uncertainly.

"Well, it's me!"

The woman let go of Mu Chuqing, stood up straight, and looked at Mu Chuqing with tears.

After that, he started to tap Mu Chuqing's forehead vigorously, "Are you stupid?!"

Mu Chuqing nodded, tears in her eyes.


Su Nuan paused, then patted her shoulder unconsciously, "Just know, you silly girl!"

The two women hugged each other, crying and laughing for a while, making Sheng Yuchen's face dense with clouds.

Where did this come out of a master, didn’t he run to Country M? !

He looked up at the Maserati that was parked there quietly, and pursed his lips.

After Mu Chuqing and Su Nuan were crying and laughing enough, Su Nuan asked, "Where are you going?"

Mu Chuqing shook her head, then looked at Sheng Yuchen and asked, "Where are we going?"

Sheng Yuchen pursed her lips, Su Nuan waved her hand suddenly, "Forget it, let me go wherever you go?"

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