Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1060: Fengzi gets married (1)

Sheng Yuchen chased up first, Su Nuan followed up on his heels, only to see the last figure of Mu Chuqing who had just turned into the toilet...

The two hurriedly chased after him, and Sheng Yuchen was caught by Su Nuan.

"I'll just go in, you wait at the door!"

Sheng Yuchen frowned, just as someone came out of the women's bathroom, looking at Sheng Yuchen with shame and affection.

Sheng Yuchen didn't care about it, but Su Nuan pushed him far away, and then she ran in.

At this moment, Mu Chuqing was really lying on the trash can next to the sink, retching, but she didn't throw up anything.

Su Nuan walked to her silently, reaching out and patted her back gently.

She could even feel that when she retched, her whole body was shaking.

Seeing Mu Chuqing's uncomfortable look, Su Nuan felt uncomfortable in his stomach for some reason.

At this time, Mu Chuqing had straightened up, turned and leaned against the wall to the side, panting.

A face was full of tears.

"Are you okay?"

Mu Chuqing shook her head, "I ate sour plums this afternoon. I just spit out the sour plums. It tastes good!"

Su Nuan made a violent shock, "You are not nauseous, and what you vomit says that it tastes good..."

"Yeah, the taste of sour plum is still..."


Mu Chuqing hadn't finished speaking yet, even if Su Nuan suddenly lay on her place just now, she started to retching.

That posture is definitely not much worse than Mu Chuqing.

Mu Chuqing stared at Su Nuan dumbfounded, almost subconsciously stepping forward to pat Su Nuan's back.

"what happened to you?"

"Also...ooh...not all...because"

Su Nuan continued to vomit. She ate a lot of food at noon, and this time all vomited out.

Mu Chu Qingwei's stomach felt nauseous again, and she stood there for a while and retched, and finally turned her head away from Su Nuan, only to ease slightly.

When Su Nuan finished vomiting, she was completely collapsed.

"Oh my god, you hurt me miserably!"

Regardless, Su Nuan rushed to the sink to collect water and rinse his mouth, and finally leaned against the wall to face Mu Chuqing.

The two of them didn't speak for a while, and both were fighting back the cramps in their stomachs.


"...En?" Su Nuan followed her chest to herself, raised her eyelid and glanced at her.

Mu Chuqing raised her head, looking at Su Nuan with a complicated expression, and slowly said:

"I feel, I...maybe."

"Yes, what's the matter?" Su Nuan looked at her confusedly.

Mu Chuqing looked at her helplessly and explained: "Yes! Here... there are children."

Su Nuan's bright eyes followed Mu Chuqing's hands and looked a little dull.

"Yes, there are, there are again?"

A smile suddenly crossed Mu Chuqing's face and nodded gently.

", how do you know?"

Mu Chuqing shook her head: "I'm not sure, after all, I have been pregnant with Doudou once. These symptoms are similar to those when she was pregnant with Doudou before."

"How, how do you say?"

He has always been sharp and sharp, but now he doesn't know why, he is about to stutter?

Mu Chuqing smiled, "Doudou was really able to toss at that time, all kinds of symptoms..."

"For example?" Su Nuan asked.

Mu Chuqing turned around and thought for a while, and said:



"You can eat!"


"Eat and throw up!"




"The body began to swell in the last five or six months..."

Mu Chuqing didn't say a word, Su Nuan's heart stunned, a pair of eyes looked at Mu Chuqing's face in a daze, and then looked at her belly...

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