Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1063: Fengzi gets married (4)

After Mu Chuqing finished speaking, she squeezed Xu Junyu's hand tightly, and finally let go of him, turned and walked towards the man whose face was already black.

When passing by Su Nuan, she smiled slightly at Su Nuan.

"Nuannuan, it seems that we can't get together tonight? We will get together again next time!"

Su Nuan raised her eyebrows, then looked at her deeply, "Remember to go to the hospital!"

"Well, I see." Mu Chuqing reached out and patted her shoulder, and finally left.

Sheng Yuchen was a big vinegar who walked, and when Mu Chuqing approached, her face was not good.

When Mu Chuqing seemed to have a temper, Sheng Yuchen posted it again.

Su Nuan snorted and chuckled in a low voice, before turning his eyes on Xu Junyu, who had been wrong since the beginning.

"Hey, Xu Junyu, what did Chuqing whisper to you just now?"

Xu Junyu shook his head, squeezed the things in the handshake tightly, moved imperceptibly, and put his hands in his trouser pockets.

"It's nothing."

"There are ghosts when I believe in you! Xu Junyu, are you blind to me?"

"Then what did you see?"


Su Nuan got stuck in her throat and couldn't send it out. Xu Jun and the understatement made her very angry.

Striding over to him, reaching out his hand angrily to Xu Junyu's chest, saying:

"Don't tell me, if I have a little secret in the future, I will also ask someone to tell it!"

Xu Junyu suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Su Nuan's fingers, "Okay! I don't care about your little secrets from now on."

As he said, he straightened up, bent over to get close to Su Nuan, and whispered:

"Come on, tell me your little secret now."

Su Nuan's heart jumped and pushed him away, nervously:

"Me, me, what little secret do I have?!"

Xu Junyu laughed, and finally sighed, saying:

"Sometimes, what the eyes see is not necessarily true, um... what the ears hear is not necessarily true..."

Su Nuan looked at him strangely, "What do you want to say?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she was beaten up and hugged.

"What are you doing? Don't fall..." Su Nuan exclaimed, holding his arms tightly around the man's neck, and the tension in his mouth exhorted after another.

The man chuckled, "Sometimes, we must believe in science, and when necessary, we must believe in authoritative science."

Su Nuan didn't care what he was talking about, just yelled blindly: "You let me down, what are you going to do?"

"you guess!"

Su Nuan was stunned, and immediately wanted to ask what to do in the hospital, but the next second he reacted.

"Xu Junyu, you are poisonous!"

Sheng Yuchen took Mu Chuqing directly to the hospital. Because he contacted in advance, the hospital's director brought a group of doctors to the hospital as soon as the car arrived.

Mu Chuqing was taken aback by the situation. She is not a critically ill patient. Is it necessary to occupy such a large resource?

Sheng Yuchen didn't care. If she hadn't strongly opposed it, she would probably go to the hospital on a stretcher.

After all compromises, Sheng Yuchen carried him into the hospital.

The obstetrics and gynecology department does not distinguish between day and night. When she first entered, she was held by Sheng Yuchen, followed by a large group of doctors and nurses. The people in the first hall thought that this might be a serious patient and gave way.

Mu Chuqing simply hid in Sheng Yuchen's arms and did not show up.

Now she is so ashamed to find a seam to get in.

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