Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1083: He is him, i am me

A thick ironic smile evoked at the corner of her lips, her face pale, and the red around her eye sockets became more obvious.

She is still too sensitive to everything about Pei Anzhi, she really hopes that she is a little stupid, a little stupid, and can't understand the ridicule in Liang Qihan's mouth, how good it would be.

If you don't understand, you won't be sad.

He is not the kind of person who moves women casually, she should know?

Yes, she really should know.

He stayed alone for a whole year, and then it was ordered to have children on the sixth day of each month. He was too lazy to touch her well-known wife, how could he bother to touch other women.

Or maybe, he just didn't bother to touch her!

Is she really not doing enough, or is Pei Anzhi really not going to fall in love with anyone in his life, fall in love with her? !

He sighed deeply, adjusted his turbulent breathing secretly, and Ye Susu's hand holding the phone line loosened slightly.

"Liang Qihan, you don’t need to say hello to me in this kind of thing in the future. You are all smart people, but other people can’t be fools. At least we all understand the story of the wolf coming. Twice is enough, no one will find it boring to play endlessly!"

Liang Qihan on the other end of the phone paused. He didn't speak for a long time. It seemed that he hadn't reacted. Ye Susu, who had always been resigned and swallowed, would make things clear without warning.

"Sister-in-law, you misunderstood..."

"Your sister-in-law really praised me. You called me for two years against your will. It's really embarrassing for you. Now that you have made it clear today, I hope you won't have to rush to call me like this in the future. I didn't want to To say more, I don’t want Pei Anzhi to be embarrassed in front of you. I think I am more worried. I understand that you all understand better than me. Pei Anzhi is Pei Anzhi and I am me. He did not regard me as his wife. , None of you regard me as a sister-in-law. So let’s do it, no need to report to me about his affairs, no matter whether the woman he is outside is real or false, it doesn’t matter to me now... …"

Ye Susu loosened her hand holding the phone line, raised her hand and stroked her hair backwards. The smooth forehead was revealed. In the center of her forehead, a beautiful beauty showed up. She had always had chestnut hair with her forehead. Irregular air bangs, now this little movement, the forehead is revealed, and the hairline has a beautiful tip, giving people a moment of surprise.

It's just that his face is too white and his eyes are too red.

Liang Qihan on the other end of the phone was still silent. He had never thought that Ye Susu would resist, so she was caught off guard at this moment. She had been so targeted at a woman for two years, and she was at a loss for a while, and could not think of any rebuttal.

"If there is nothing wrong, hang up!"

Knowing that Liang Qihan wouldn't say anything more, and didn't want to hear him say more, Ye Susu hung up the phone.

She almost pressed the microphone to the landline. After that, she continued to maintain this action, lowered her head and sneered in a low voice.

Kind of, can't help it.

Within two seconds of hanging up, the other intercom phone next to the phone rang.

Ye Susu lowered his mind, adjusted his breathing, and adjusted his hair while answering the phone.



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