Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 110: One dance debate

But the moment she stepped into the banquet hall, she knew that what he called the most beautiful was not her.

Mu Chuqing knew when Ye Yun pulled her down from the second floor and when Sheng Yuchen's hand around her waist shrank suddenly.

Clear and bright coffee-colored pupils, delicate eyebrows, slightly hooked eyebrows, adding a touch of femininity to the delicate, fair skin reveals a pale pink, thin lips like rose petals, delicate and rosy, exquisite little nose, one A white knee-length skirt, thick golden big wavy curly hair, slim and charming.

This is the most beautiful in his eyes.

When she stood in front of the two of them, ignoring herself, and calling her husband intimately: "Chen", Sheng Yuchen's eyes flickered.

When she pouted and looked at Sheng Yuchen's hand on her waist, and looked at him grievously, he suddenly withdrew his hand.

When the music sounded, she arrogantly stretched out her voice to Sheng Yuchen: "Chen, don't you ask me to dance?" When he ignored her presence, holding Chang Chu's hand, the two of them rotated close to each other.

Mu Chuqing's faint gaze still followed Sheng Yuchen. She couldn't figure out how much he loves Chang Chu, and he could give her the supreme love as a substitute.

She was stupid at first.

Thinking that he was his true love, he gave him all his true heart like a fool, but in exchange, he was deeply cold and ruthless towards her...

Mu Chuqing's breathing was a little short, and her chest began to rise and fall violently. She didn't want to see him anymore, picked up the wine glass and took a sip of red wine.

"What do you think?"

Suddenly her shoulders sank, Xu Junyu put her hand on her shoulder, then took the red wine in her hand and put it aside, holding her hand into the dance floor.

Xu Jun and Nature were let to the center of the dance floor by people.

He domineeringly took Mu Chuqing's hand to hold, and put one hand on her waist, pulling her tightly into his arms, and the two bodies were tightly pressed together.

Mu Chuqing's face was a little hot, and the fullness of her chest against Xu Junyu's chest made her really embarrassed.

She leaned her upper body back, but was pulled back domineeringly.

At the center of the dance floor, a beam of light followed them.

Mu Chuqing was a little embarrassed and stared at Xu Junyu fiercely.

Xu Junyu grinned, her smile charming and charming.

He finally let go of Mu Chuqing a little bit, and Mu Chuqing sighed, but he lowered his head to Mu Chuqing's ear again, and asked in a low voice:

"Tell me, who was looking at? What are you thinking about?"

Mu Chuqing's expression froze for a second, then smiled: "Naturally he is looking at the handsome guy, and he is naturally thinking of the handsome guy!"

Suddenly her waist tightened again, and with a "bang", Xu Junyu's forehead hit Mu Chuqing's forehead.

The eyes are full of overbearing and warning.

"You are not allowed to look at other men, and you are not allowed to think about other men. I am the only one who can see and think in the future, understand?"

Mu Chuqing's gaze was a little dazed, such an overbearing and unreasonable tone, like what he once said to her back then.

The cold eyes shrank, she didn't answer, just smiled at Xu Junyu just right.

After that, it was Xu Junyu who took her to dance on the dance floor to his heart's content, and the clothes she was wearing tonight were as misty as smoke in the slow dance steps, just like a fairy who strayed into the world.

Sheng Yuchen’s black eyes gradually became deeper and deeper, watching Xu Junyu’s hand directly on her white back, and the man lowered his head to say something in her ear from time to time, causing Mu Chuqing to laugh. .

The soothing music suddenly became rush, Xu Jun and reluctantly glanced at Mu Chuqing, let go of Mu Chuqing's hand, the hand on his waist slightly pushed Mu Chuqing out...

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