Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 118: Self-eating 6

Sheng Yuchen raised his head to look at Mu Chuqing, his voice low and cold.

"Are you satisfied?"

Mu Chuqing stiffened, then sneered.

"It's far from being satisfied! I said, if you mess with me again, I will repay it twice!"

Sheng Yuchen's deep black eyes were gloomy and cold. He looked at Mu Chuqing for a long while, then left a word coldly, and turned and left with Chang Chu in his arms.

"Mu Chuqing, enough is enough!"

Mu Chuqing watched the two figures drown in the crowd, hands hanging on both sides curled up and stretched out.

He didn't even have the strength to make a fist!

An unquenchable grief in her heart made her feel cold.


Sheng Yuchen, could it be...

You can only be satisfied if the woman lying under that man today is her, right?

Laughing self-deprecatingly, he fell into a warm embrace.


Xu Jun and the deep and heavy voice sounded.

Mu Chuqing put the weight of her entire body in Xu Junyu's arms.

"You are not sorry for me!"

However, Xu Junyu suddenly turned Mu Chuqing around in a fierce manner, "I said, just yesterday, I said I won't hurt you again!"

Xu Junyu gritted his teeth and said, clutching Mu Chuqing's shoulders with both hands, and a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes were full of regret and anger.

Mu Chuqing smiled hard and shook her head.

"Send me home!"

Xu Jun frowned with his brows, his perfect thin lips pressed into a straight line, and looked at Mu Chuqing quietly for a long time. Finally, he sighed deeply and nodded.

"it is good!"


Sheng Yuchen took Chang Chu to open a room in the nearest hotel, dragged her directly to the bathroom, turned on the shower, and directly mixed it with cold water.


"Chen, Chen, it's so cold—"

Suddenly, Chang Chu whispered a spirit that was suddenly caught in the cold water and ice.

Sheng Yuchen stood by, his eyes covered with haze.

"Really you want to hurt her?"

Chang Chu sat on the ground with his hands folded, his body stiffened when he heard Sheng Yuchen's voice.

Looking at him innocently, "Chen, don't even you doubt me? I was almost raped tonight, it was me who was violent!"

The blue veins on Sheng Yuchen's forehead jumped violently, looking at Chang Chu's eyes with a bloodthirsty haze...

"Have you ever thought, if it's her tonight..."

Sheng Yuchen's voice trembled a little, he didn't even dare to think about it, if it was Mu Chuqing who was drugged by someone and was humiliated by that dirty man...

He must have killed that man! He will definitely slash that man with his own hands! ! He wants 10 million ways to die so that the man can never live beyond life! ! !

Sheng Yuchen looked at Chang Chu who was sitting on the ground fiercely. Her messy hair was wet with water and pressed against her face. His eyes were full of sadness.

"You feel distressed if you change to her, isn't it? It's me! I was really bullied by another man tonight! Not Mu Chuqing! She deliberately appeared at the most critical moment. This has proved everything!"

"What if it were you? When will you appear? Before or after?"

Chang Chu was stunned for an instant, looking at Sheng Yuchen with eyes full of disbelief, she got up from the ground in embarrassment.

"... Chen, what are you talking about? Not only did you believe that I framed that bitch, you also suspected that I would..."

Sheng Yuchen sighed, "Sorry!"

Chang Chu stepped forward and hugged Sheng Yuchen, rubbing Sheng Yuchen's vigorous chest with both hands, and said softly:

"Chen, you must believe me!"

Sheng Yuchen pushed Chang Chu away.

"Cancel the engagement! I will take care of things tonight!"

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