Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1216: Inexplicable smile

Ye Susu took a sip of water, and after making sure that she was completely safe, she exhaled for a long time.

The door was opened and Pei Anzhi threw Ye Susu into the passenger seat with a gloomy face.

"Is there something wrong with your brain?"

Ye Susu calmed down and deliberately ignored Pei Anzhi's angry accusation, frowning and saying:

"If you don't go back, I will take a taxi and go home by myself."


Her response was a low, muffled sound of closing the door.

Ye Susu shrank his shoulders, and within a few seconds, Pei Anzhi sat in the driving position.

When starting the car, Ye Susu caught a glimpse of the blood on his hand, her eyes shrank suddenly, stretched out her hand to grab the wrist of his injured hand, and asked him.

"how did you make it?"

Pei Anzhi looked down at his hand that was still leaking blood, stretched out a piece of paper, and wiped it casually.

During the wiping, Ye Susu carefully noticed that his brows were slightly wrinkled.

She leaned over, pulled Pei Anzhi's hand in front of her, and took a close look at the dim light in the car. In addition to the newly leaked blood, there were blood stains that had dried up on her white palms.

And in those **** wounds, a few faint lustre flashed from time to time.

Ye Susu leaned a few minutes closer, and reached out and stroked a small point on her palm with her fingertips.

Pei Anzhi's fingertips moved slightly, Ye Susu quickly retracted his hand, looked up at him, and asked softly, "Does it hurt?"

Pei Anzhi has been immersed in the warm and indifferent moment of this full carriage.

In fact, she is no stranger to this behavior, and she always treats him surprisingly and thoughtfully.

She knows what he likes to eat.

For the seasons, she will prepare for herself the clothes she needs to wear in each season.

In the past, the physique that was very prone to allergies without paying attention has rarely appeared in the past two years.

She seemed to understand his work and rest time, his habits.

She seemed to have become a habit of taking care of him.

She is used to it, and he is used to it.

Because I’m too used to it, so I don’t think there is anything strange,

But now, at this moment, she felt a bit strange about her ordinary and extremely natural care and behavior.

I never felt that way before.

"It hurts?" Ye Susu asked Pei An again.

Pei Anzhi's eyes flashed, and an unnatural flash flashed across the handsome face.

He pulled his hand back, "What do you think?"

Ye Susu choked, "I'll go back and help you..." Ye Susu paused.

Pei Anzhi gave a natural "graciousness".

Ye Susu originally wanted to go directly to the hospital, but when Pei Anzhi suddenly responded, he didn't speak any more.

Pei Anzhi started the car, and there was a moment of silence in the car.

After a long time, Ye Susu spoke first.

"Where did you take Yuan Yao?"

Pei Anzhi drove the car with one hand, his eyes slid to the corner of his eyes, and he glanced at Ye Susu sideways.

Suddenly he smiled.

The smile definitely didn't bring any warmth, and the entire air-conditioned carriage was suddenly as cold as frost.

Ye Susu guessed very accurately that Pei Anzhi's anger at the moment was obviously accumulated in the bar.

After returning to the villa, the two never said a word.

Pei Anzhi parked the car, Ye Susu got off, opened the door, and walked in.

From the beginning, she had been trying to maintain calm on the surface.

However, in her heart, there is always a kind of anxiety beating.

She never figured out all the way. After she asked about Yuan Yao, what did Pei Anzhi's inexplicable smile mean?

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