But now, she suddenly wants to divorce him?

Pei Anzhi suddenly grabbed Ye Susu's arm again and drew her closer to him, pressing her chin with one hand.

There were still tears on Ye Susu's face, and the tip of his nose was flushed, but he still met Pei Anzhi's eyes.

"My freedom is bound? You were the one who insisted on this marriage at the beginning, and I also gave you time to regret! Why? One year is less, isn't it? It took two years to finally find what you wanted this time? Ye Susu, don't find such a high-sounding reason to excuse yourself."

Ye Susu felt chills in her heart, and she gave a wry smile, and her many years of affection were so worthless by his few words.

How beautiful she was to marry Pei Anzhi, how embarrassed she is now.

She thinks that even if it is a stone, it should be muted?

Not reconciled!

She is not wronged!

Her home is in Fucheng, and she is willing to marry the capital for him without a relative.

Who is she wronged for?

Everyone around her now wants to look at her with a magnifying glass.

The loved ones hurt the enemies quickly.

She can't let others read her jokes.

But now, when everything about her has been completely denied, her grievances for so many years seem to have finally opened the gate and can't wait to vent it out.

"Pei Anzhi, how unbearable is Ye Susu in your eyes? You all look down on the marriage, and even more despise me as a marriage tool to marry you. But it took me two years to get close to you and try my best. I'm bashing you. You don't want me to entangle you too tightly. I stay away from you. You throw me into the public relations department with your own hands. You know how many bleaks and runs I have suffered. How many times have you come back to this villa? You just got married and gave me a divorce agreement. After 12 months, you come back for the second time. On the sixth day of every month, you go back here eight times, the hotel three times, and Fucheng once. Today is you. The tenth day to stay! Pei Anzhi, what's wrong with me? Why did I let you abuse me like this? I just chose to marry you! I am willing to do everything for you without complaining. But today I found out that Pei Anzhi, I It’s not worth doing this! I thought about it, I thought about it, I thought about it, and I thought about working hard for this marriage. But I regret it, I don’t want to go on like this.”

Ye Susu's voice echoed in the empty villa, heart-piercing and shocking.

Pei Anzhi looked at her crying flushed face, tears streaming down, like a helpless child aggrieved, and every accusation was like a sharp knife nailed to his heart.


Her accusation made him unable to refute. The things he hadn't cared about before, now that she pointed out them one by one, he suddenly realized that the harm he had caused to her was so severe.

The hand holding Ye Susu's wrist was loose and tight. He couldn't say anything to comfort her. He just wanted to hold her in his arms, but she finally said...

"Do you regret it?" Pei Anzhi's voice was a little hoarse, but also with more anger.

But Ye Susu didn't want to ponder his mood anymore. She stretched out her hand, wiped a tear childishly, closed her eyes, and shook her head weakly.

"Yes, Pei Anzhi, I regret it. If you can't accept my high-sounding reason, then I admit that I was wrong. I shouldn't insist on marrying you. I shouldn't still choose after you gave me a choice. Stay by your side—"

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