Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1224: Always hypocritical

Pei Anzhi raised his head to look at the phone in Ye Susu's hand, his brows suddenly frowned.

Pei An was silent for a while with his eyebrows closed, seeming to be thinking about something.

"How much is the password?"

Ye Susu asked again, squeezing the phone in her hands with both hands, her knuckles were white and still shaking.

Pei Anzhi still did not respond to her, but his brows became tighter, and his already fair face seemed to be whiter.

Upon seeing this, Ye Susu squatted down and asked him with a trembling voice:

"Is it so painful? You bear it, I will call an ambulance immediately, my...password..."

Ye Susu was holding the phone, panicking at a loss.

The hand was suddenly caught, Pei Anzhi looked up at her.

"Yesu Su..."

"What?" Ye Susu was taken aback.

"Long Luo she..."

Ye Susu's eyes flashed, and her hand paused.

Pei Anzhi's eyes narrowed, and he continued speaking without pause, when a cell phone ringing suddenly rang.

Ye Susu was taken aback, took his hand out of Pei Anzhi's, blinked, and finally rushed to the entrance a little eagerly, picked up the bag he had thrown on the shoe cabinet, and took out the phone.

She glanced at the caller ID and found that it was Li Yufeng, but she didn't answer it, cut off the phone, then pressed the number and called an ambulance.

"Whose phone number?"

Pei Anzhi's voice contained obvious displeasure and questioning.

Ye Susu did not answer, turned and walked to the side of the coffee table, carrying the medicine box and walking to Pei Anzhi's side. He ran errands and sat opposite Pei Anzhi. A pair of eyes were drawn across Pei Anzhi's face, and he saw the bruise on his forehead and cheekbones , His eyes flashed, holding the potion in front of him, and began to treat the wound on his face.

The whole person is calmer than at first.

Pei Anzhi looked at Ye Susu quietly and said nothing.

If he hadn't been forcing her to answer his questions just now, then she wouldn't have been forced to throw out the word "divorce" without any scruples.

Pei Anzhi realized that he could have such a tough patience.

"Ye Susu, I know if you don’t tell me. I don’t care about you when you show up in a bar tonight and dance with Li Yufeng. But you have to remember that in the future without my permission, you'd better leave the man Go further."

Ye Susu's gaze moved away from Pei Anzhi's forehead, faintly looking into his beautiful, pitch-black eyes.

"You have no right to restrict my freedom."

Pei Anzhi said with a cold face, "You are still the dignified Young Master Pei..."

Pei Anzhi suddenly paused, and Ye Susu looked at him ironically with a vertex in his eyes.

Thinking of Ye Susu's temper that played with him because of the phrase "Young Lady Pei" this morning, his forehead jumped, Pei An's words turned and said:

"Master's wife, why don't I have the right to control you."

Ye Susu pursed her lips, lowered her eyes, took a new cotton swab and re-dipped the potion, and said lightly:

"Not soon."

Pei Anzhi's eyes suddenly darkened, "It's not your decision whether to divorce or not. The decision is not yours! Don't have to make an inch."

"If you agree to a divorce, I will never get an inch in front of you in my life!"

Pei Anzhi glanced at her, and smirked.

"You are really changeable, so aggressive now? Did you pretend that the gentle and virtuous Ye Susu before?"

"Are you not sure, haven't I always been a hypocritical person in your heart?"

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