Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1237: International vase

It took a long time for Liang Luo to react, from the initial surprise to intense anger.

Seeing the warm scene of the two people deeply hurt her heart.

Brother An, why?

Why are you so unsympathetic to me?

Is our relationship for more than ten years really inferior to Cheng Yaojin who was killed halfway through?

A bowl of porridge quickly ate half of it. Ye Susu glanced at the cold shoulder standing aside, then lowered his head, scooped a spoonful of porridge, and said, "Anzhi, who is this? You haven't introduced me yet. "

"Cool fall. Played from childhood to adult."

Two sentences, eight words.

Simply chilling.

A touch of aggrieved water flashed in Liang Luo's beautiful eyes.

After answering Ye Susu's words, Pei Anzhi raised his head and glanced at Liang Luo.

"are you looking for me?"

He was admitted to the hospital just last night, and no one told the news. The only Xia Mingxiu who knew was also inadvertently learned this morning.

Xia Mingxiu didn't have the leisure time to tell Liang Luo that he was hospitalized, and Xia Mingxiu mentioned Liang Luo just now.

Early in the morning, if Liang Luo had nothing to look for him, he would not find out the news of his hospitalization.

Obviously it was something to look for him, which pushed to know the news of his hospitalization.

Liang Luo retracted the gods, hearing Pei Anzhi's words, suppressed his anger.

He glanced at Ye Susu, and said directly: "Brother An, I want to ask you for help. I don't want to play the heroine yesterday, I want to play the second female lead."

Ye Susu's eyebrows suddenly frowned when he heard the words, but Pei Anzhi raised his head to look at the coolness, and did not notice Ye Susu's just now.

"Actress number two?"

Pei Anzhi followed Liangluo's words, it seemed that he subconsciously planned to take care of Liangluo's request.

Ye Susu got up from the bed and took the empty bowl into the kitchen.

Pei Anzhi’s inquiries came from outside, and Liangluo talked about the content of the script, putting the "Upper" female number two to be the focus of the whole play, and in the end even a bit of coquettish entanglement.

In the end, Pei Anzhi seemed to impatiently put out a sentence, "Then act!"

Ye Susu's heart sank suddenly.

Xia Mingxiu, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said, "Liang Luo is not suitable for the second female character in this play. Her current reputation and image are more biased towards the heroine."

"Xia Mingxiu, you mean I'm just a vase, right?"

Xia Mingxiu hooked her lips, "What are you talking about, Luo Luo! Everyone's eyes are sharp, even if you are a vase, you are also an international vase."

Ye Susu couldn't hold back, leaning against the sink with her chest, the corners of her lips hooked slightly.

"Xia Mingxiu, you..."

Cold and speechless, his eyes turned red.

If others say she is fine, but Xia Mingxiu is different.

His childhood playmate, not to mention, he has the final say in her evaluation.

After all, speaking of it, he has been involved in most of the entertainment industry. People who cover the sky with one hand can determine the life and death of a star in one sentence.

Actors hate it the most, and they don't want to be called a vase with no strength.

She is no exception.

He scolded Xia Mingxiu with **** head in his heart, but in front of Brother An Zhi, Liang Luo still endured no attack.

"What I need now is not ‘suitable’ for a role, what I need now is to challenge and break through myself!"

Xia Mingxiu sneered.


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