Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1254: Pei Anzhi's Thoughtfulness

"President Ye, before Mr. Pei left, let me prepare afternoon tea for you."

Ye Susu smiled slightly when she saw the bag she was holding, looked down at the newspaper in her hand, and thought that she might have thought too much, so she put the newspaper back in again.

Linna put the bag in her hand on the coffee table, took out some cakes and a cup of coffee from it, and set it out.

"Thank you!"

Ye Susu thanked him, sat on the sofa and took a sip of coffee.

Then continue to listen to Linna:

"Mr Pei said that in the past few days, you will be picked up by Xiao Cheng's driver to commute to and from get off work.

Ye Susu was amazed at Pei Anzhi's carefulness, but still gladly accepted. She nodded and faintly returned to Linna.

"okay, I get it."

Linna nodded, "President Ye is slow."

With that, she left the office.

When Ye Susu finished his snack and left the office, he took out the rest of the things.

When she returned to the twelfth floor, the colleagues in the office area glanced at her intentionally or unintentionally, their eyes unconcealed.

Ye Susu looked cold and indifferent as usual, but in fact his face had already started to burn slightly.

She has stayed in Pei Anzhi's office from before noon, and has only gotten off after three o'clock.

Although the top floor is clean, many people in the company are watching Pei Anzhi's every move. She and Pei An did not even come out for lunch at noon, and stayed in the office for nearly four hours...

Everyone in the company is gossiping, and she knows what she thinks naturally.

What's more, all the guesses in their hearts are also facts, and this is the fact that makes her blush.

Han Han's eyes were even more ambiguous even at her one-acre three-quarter land.

After finally getting off work, when Ye Susu went downstairs, Cheng Minghui was already standing by the car, waiting for Ye Susu.

Back at the villa, Ye Susu couldn't help frowning from the few people at the door.

"who are you?"

Cheng Minghui hurriedly stepped forward to explain, "Young lady, they were all arranged before President Pei left. Today they are just to report in front of you, recognize your face, and they will protect your personal safety in the future. They will not appear like today. In front of you."

Ye Susu's complexion didn't look much better, because she really didn't understand why Pei Anzhi had done this. For the previous two years, he didn't pay attention to it. Didn't she live well?

Now he is only on a business trip, is it necessary to spend so much time?

"I do not need!"

"My grandma, they won't disturb your life."

Ye Susu did not speak, frowned, took out the key, and entered the house.

There were more and more doubts in my heart, and I wanted to call Pei Anzhi immediately to ask what happened to i, but thought that he should be still on the plane now, so I dispelled this idea.

Think about it again, maybe it's because Pei Anzhi doesn't worry about staying at home alone, so these people are arranged to look after her?

In general, he cares about her. Although Ye Susu has doubts in his heart, he is still touched by Pei Anzhi's arrangements. Anyway, it will not affect her life, so let them go.

Without Pei Anzhi, she simply made a bowl of noodles herself, maybe because of afternoon tea, she felt that she had no appetite, and the remaining half was fed to the trash can.


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