Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1262: Four people

Yuan Yao gritted her teeth secretly and followed Ye Susu out.

Liang Qihan just came back and asked "No more fun?" After that, he went out with them.

Lin Xuyao ​​and Xue Ning got into the same car after a quarrel, and Xue Ning pushed Lin Xuyao ​​into the car.

Yuan Yao finally knew what Xia Mingxiu's "send you back" meant.

Because when they went out, a RV was parked in front of the Jincheng Club.

Also, for someone like Xia Mingxiu who specializes in packaging celebrities, a mere RV is really not a shame to him.

It seems that they intend to send them all home one by one.

Xue Ning and Lin Xuyao ​​are gone, so in this RV, Ye Susu, Yuan Yao, Liang Qihan, and Xia Mingxiu.

Liang Qihan also has his own apartment in the city center. Several people decided to send Liang Qihan to the nearest one.

Several people drank wine, and fine wine was prepared in the RV.

There was a special car to pick up and drop off, but Ye Susu was in a good mood, and took a couple of drinks.

Yuan Yao didn't want to talk at all, she couldn't even squeeze out a perfunctory smile at this moment.

There were four people in the car, two men, Yuan Yao didn't even want to look at them.

To her, the two men in front of her were not enemies, but they looked more like enemies.

One by one, none of them provoked her.

However, she didn't want to show any clues in front of Ye Susu.

He simply leaned aside and kept fiddle with the phone.

Xia Mingxiu, who has always been taciturn, has been chatting with Ye Susu, and they actually have a common topic.

Xia Mingxiu manages the entertainment company, which has too many stars. Packaging stars is a huge project, and the agent is the most critical "star engineer".

The position of broker is actually similar to that of public relations.

For example, in the past two years, Pei Anzhi has made entertainment headlines with women several times, but Ye Susu has dealt with it.

Therefore, Xia Mingxiu joked: “If you get bored with Pei’s, then you can switch to his entertainment company as an agent, and your salary will double.”

Ye Susu naturally laughed off.

How could she leave Bae?

The smile on Ye Susu's face was too much today, and the whole person relaxed. Compared with the previous thoughts, it was a bit more casual, not to mention the emotionless and perfunctory smile in the past.

It was the Nth time that Liang Qihan's gaze had fallen on Ye Susu's body tonight.

Obviously it is the same person, but now Ye Susu seems to be more beautiful, bright and even more charming than before.

Where is the woman who was colder than ice in the past.

Ye Susu always finds the atmosphere a bit weird.

Liang Qihan and Yuan Yao, who were the most talkative in the past, are surprisingly quiet today.

Moreover, the sight that she put on her from time to time really made her not to be ignored.

She and Xia Mingxiu sat face to face, Liang Qihan sat next to Xia Mingxiu.

She could see Liang Qihan in a blink of an eye. She didn't even need to look at it. There were two pairs of eyes on the opposite side of her. Although Xia Mingxiu was chatting with her, her eyes turned out of the window, not on her at all, so naturally, It was Liang Qihan.

She didn't care at first, anyway, Liang Qihan was hostile to her Ye Su from the beginning, and she couldn't stop others from thinking about her.

But the later, she felt that something was wrong.

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