Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1269: Self-comfort

As soon as he walked downstairs to the company, Cheng Minghui did not wait for her next to the car this time, but waited for her at the door of the company with a worried expression.

Seeing her coming out, he hurriedly called: "Young grandma."

Ye Susu stood still, looked at Cheng Minghui's expression, and pulled the corners of her lips slightly. Even she herself felt how ugly the smile she pulled out at this time.

When he left, he clearly arranged so thoughtful.

Arrange bodyguards for her at home and leave Cheng Minghui with her...

But now I see Cheng Minghui and the people he left for her, but I feel the irony to the extreme.

He can really deal with her.

"Where is the car key?"

"Oh..." Cheng Minghui raised his hand subconsciously, but he seemed to have thought of something again. The hand holding the car key tightened tightly and retracted it again.

"Young grandma, get in the car."

Cheng Minghui obviously knew Ye Susu's thoughts, and his attitude was obvious.

Ye Susu pursed her lips, bent over to grasp Cheng Minghui's wrist, and at the moment Cheng Minghui was surprised and stunned, he took the car key in his hand in his hand, turned and left.

"Take a taxi and go back by yourself."

"Young grandma!" Cheng Minghui was shocked, and hurriedly caught up with Ye Susu. "Young grandma, no, it's the rush hour for get off work, and there are many cars on the road."

"Don't follow me."

Without looking back, Ye Susu pressed the car key in his hand, and a car not far away rang.

"Young grandma..." Cheng Minghui was worried, still following Ye Susu, trying not to give up trying to convince her.

"Don't follow me!"

Ye Susu suddenly stopped, turned around, and shouted in a low voice.

Cheng Minghui, who had never seen Ye Susu lose his temper, was immediately stunned, but Ye Susu was already in the car, started the car, awkwardly backed it out, and drove away.

"Young grandma! Young grandma!"

Cheng Minghui chased the car for two steps, but naturally he couldn't catch up with the four-wheeled car. In the end, he had to give up, anxious on his face.

What should he do now?

Call Mr. Bae?

But far water can't save near fire...


The traffic jam was so irritable, Ye Susu just drove out, but didn't know where to go.

Before he knew it, he entered a bar.

She rarely visits this kind of place, and Yuan Yao will take her to play if she wants to.

But she didn't want to see anyone now, she couldn't hear comforting words.

When people are fragile, they don't want to listen to others softly comforted by Wu Nong.

The more others comforted her and understood her, the more she felt sorry and wronged.

Yuan Yao probably wouldn't comfort her, she might put the spearhead on Pei Anzhi's body in front of her, making Pei An's scolding bloody, worthless.

But she can't listen to others hurt Pei Anzhi, the more so, the more sad she feels that she is, because Pei Anzhi is so abhorrent in the eyes of others, but she loves him!

No matter what, in the end, the most ridiculous thing is myself.

At this time, she could only comfort herself, but couldn't comfort herself, so she figured out a way to find a vent for herself, and vent all the messy emotions.

She comforted herself!

Comfort yourself that you are not such a person!

Comfort yourself that the photo may be fake!

Comfort yourself even if the photo is real, it may be just a coincidence!

To comfort yourself, you must believe in Anzhi, because he said that Liangluo is just Liangluo, a Liangluo who has been spoiled by him since he was a child.

But in the end, she still had the picture of Liang Luo wearing a ring in her mind.

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