Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 128: Report to Shengjia

Back at the company, it was already more than three o'clock in the afternoon. Mu Chuqing returned to the office. Liu Na had already returned to her post and nodded at her.

Mu Chuqing paused, adjusted the anger that had been provoked by Chang Chu and Sheng's family all day long, and said coldly:

"Follow me in!"

Liu Na took the documents in her hand and followed Mu Chuqing into the office. Mu Chuqing put the bag in the book on your desk and sat on the executive chair to look up at her.

Liu Na handed the yellow paper bag in Mu Chuqing's hand, and Mu Chuqing took it out and took a look. Finally, she had the first smile on her face.

"Mr Mu, the scale of this foreign company is really...I don't understand why you value this company so much!"

Mu Chuqing smiled and said lightly: "Because this company has been cooperating with Chang's for many years..."

Liu Na didn't say anything. She had already surpassed the question just now. Even if there were too many doubts in her heart, it was not something she should take care of, so curiosity should be stopped.

I really don’t understand. Since we are going to be opposed to the Chang clan, isn’t it a good opportunity for this ‘mirage’ bid?

However, the whole company is spreading that she is not capable enough, and her attitude towards this tender is not clear enough.

But this time following Sister Su to the United States, she really knew that Mr. Mu's ability was definitely not as unbearable as the company's rumors.

It's just that everything is important and important. Isn't the "mirage" in your hand more profitable than this little-known American company?


Chang Chu didn't know whether he listened to Mu Chuqing's suggestion or planned it this way.

I was sitting on the sofa in the old house of the Sheng family at the moment, crying until noon, the tears on his face have not stopped.

When Ye Yun heard that Mu Chuqing had prescribed medicine to Chang Chu, she was almost frivolous by a man, her eyes blackened with anger.

If it weren't for Sheng Zhengyu to stop her, she would immediately run out and kill Mu Chuqing to death.

"That bitch, how vicious is in her heart! This kind of dirty, nasty means can make it out!"

"Things haven't been investigated, don't jump to conclusions!"

Sheng Zhengyu said with a cold face, calmly and displeased.

"Now you are still trying to excuse that **** woman, she is no longer from the Sheng family! Check it out? Check it out! Call 110 and ask the police to check it! Premeditated rape, rape, just arrest her! Aunt Lin Son, call the police!"


A trace of panic flashed in Chang Chu's eyes. She hurriedly grabbed Ye Yun's hand, tears streaming down her face.

"I don't want to pursue this matter, I owed her back then..."

Sheng Zhengyu sat in the main chair opposite to Chang Chu, and looked dark and cold as he watched Chang Chu's actions.

"You owe her?!" Ye Yun's voice suddenly sharpened, watching Chang Chu obviously shrink her shoulders, she couldn't help softening her voice.

"No one owes her, she owes you a child, and a child from our Sheng family! She killed my grandson, why didn't she die!"

Ye Yun became more and more angry, grasping Chang Chu's hand and involuntarily increased her strength.

Hearing Ye Yun's gritted teeth, Chang Chu stiffened, enduring the sharp pain in his hands, lowered his head and said nothing.

After a while, when Ye Yun's mood calmed down slightly, Chang Chu continued.

"I just want to beg Chen..."

Chang Chu paused, cried loudly, and threw himself into Ye Yun's arms.

"Auntie, I love Chen. After so many years, after so many years of infamy, I will be standing next to Chen just right, but I don't want to..."

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