Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1308: Coquettish temper

Three days later, the airport.

After twists and turns, Liang Luo successfully terminated the contract with the French agency. After his foot injury was basically healed, he returned to China and started filming.

There are still a lot of things that happened to Liangluo in France. A large number of fans came to pick up the plane and asked about Liangluo’s foot injuries. In addition to foot injuries, the most common scandal of Liangluo and Pei Anzhi was photographed in France. Whether it is true, even though Ye Susu announced his divorce from Pei Anzhi before, the topic of Xiaosan's superiority has not disappeared.

Liang Luo wears big sunglasses on his face, covering the look in his eyes, and the corners of the slightly hooked lips are obviously already stiff, and there is a tendency to become unbearable.

Until he got in the car, the only smile left on Liang Luo's face disappeared completely, and a pair of silver teeth creaked.

The one who came to pick him up was Amy, the agent Xia Mingxiu arranged for Liang Luo.

"I have already greeted Mr. Xia. Ms. Liang doesn't need to show up at the company. She goes home to rest and joins the crew in three days."

With a "clam", Liang Luo threw the sunglasses in his hand onto the shelf in front of him, his face painted with light makeup was still beautiful and eye-catching.

The corner of Amy's lips twitched slightly, her lips pressed in silence.

She has seen more celebrities who can play big names, and her temper is more arrogant than the other.

At present, the international star does not seem to be a good waiter.

As if it would count, Amy secretly counted three times in her heart, and she heard Liang Luo's proud and cold voice.

"What's the matter, Xia Mingxiu asked you to do this. No one will deal with those reporters' questions in advance?"

Liang Luo's face was very ugly, not only Xia Mingxiu, but even brother An Zhi and her brother didn't say hello to the media?

Amy raised her eyebrows, "Miss Liang, if the reporter is so easy to deal with, too many stars in our company will not be blocked because of the scandal."

"Then what's the use of public relations agents like you?" Liang Luo had a good temper, and he could say that he did not leave any affection for anyone.

Amy was not annoyed, sitting in the front passenger seat, suddenly turned around and looked at the cold.

The smile in the eyes clearly brought some insinuations, "Miss Liang can try the days without an agent... Also, Miss Liang, you depend on reporters for food. Don't always think about letting reporters make fun of them. Your perfect image of a goddess, after a long time, will always be visually fatigued, right?"

Liang Luo looked at Amy's face in disbelief, with his mouth open, unable to say a word for a long time, and finally rolled his eyes as if he hadn't held it back, and smirked.

"I rely on those paparazzi for food? You mean I have to make some scandals from time to time to please them?"

Amy smiled slightly, and there was a hint of "appreciation" in her eyes when she looked at Liang Luo, and she seemed very pleased that Liang Luo could handle such a simple question.

Ignoring the alternate beauty of Liangluo, green and white, Amy turned her head, sat upright, turned her head to look out of the car window, and suddenly sighed, "Well, the dance is good, and the figure and face are justified. What a pity. Propaganda in the formal media, it may be a big hit."

Liang Luo turned his eyes and looked over, and saw a street dance team dancing in the square on the roadside. At this moment, the dancing women only looked at their appearance and figure, maybe they could get a place in the circle,

Later, I realized that Amy was ridiculing her for not knowing good or bad, and she did not know good fortune in the fortune. She also forcibly proved that she was cold and she couldn't do without the reporter.

Without a reporter, there would be no exposure, and without exposure, she would eventually fade out of people's sight when she met.

Gritting his teeth, staring at the back of Amy's head, suddenly he said: "Stop!"

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