Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1310: Ryo got into a car accident

The young man swallowed his saliva and nodded, his eyes were stained a little impatiently.

"Don't worry, brother, the woman surnamed Pei indirectly killed me back then, I will not make him feel better. When the time comes to play, record it and send it to the mailbox of that surname Pei, and let him experience the feeling of pain! "

"But... But Brother Hou, who did you send those photos to, did he make preparations in advance? You finally escaped from the prison, in case you get caught again..."

"Okay, stop talking, drive!"

"……it is good!"


Pei Anzhi just received a phone call in the office, and the person he arranged next to Ye Susu told him:

Ye Susu wants to go, go abroad!

Teeth rattled, and he booked a ticket for tomorrow afternoon to fly to Washington.

Pei Anzhi only felt that his head burst out, and he had never found out how Ye Susu could toss so much before.

Before the other party could finish speaking, Pei Anzhi hung up and called the secretary in directly.

"Book me a flight ticket to Feifu City right away."

The secretary paused, responded quickly, and went out.


Isn't that the home of the young lady?

Why didn't he find out before, their family always likes running to Fucheng so much.

An idea came up in my heart, shouldn't Pei always go after his wife?

What did you do?

Are rich and handsome men so awkward?

He rolled his eyes secretly, but obediently booked a ticket online.

The secretary booked the air ticket and called Pei Anzhi on the inside line, "President Pei, there is no air ticket tonight. I booked it at 8:15 tomorrow morning.


Can catch up.

With a deep sigh, Pei Anzhi leaned on the office chair, his slender fingertips lit his smooth eyebrows, his eyes closed slightly, and his long eyelashes cast a shadow. The whole person was a little tired, but the whole body exudes With his long body and handsome face, his dignified spirit is still unabated.

There was silence in the office, and suddenly, the phone rang again.

Pei Anzhi's eyebrows moved, and his face was a little more irritable.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, his face became heavy and his lips pressed tightly.

"En." After connecting the phone, he just responded with a light voice.

"President Pei, Hou Qi has been caught, the car that Miss Liang Luo was riding in was hit, and the person has been taken to the hospital." It was the voice of Zhao Ju.

"……Got it."

Pei Anzhi had a serious expression and a cold tone. After hanging up the phone, there was no unexpected expression on that handsome face. Obviously, all of this seemed to be what he expected.

Liang Luo still has a certain degree of influence. The reporter had already been at the door of the hospital before he was sent to the hospital.

Liang Luo hit his head, and when he was lifted off the ambulance, he was still in a coma, with bright red blood still flowing in his forehead.

Webcasting is now too common. When Ye Susu noticed the news of the coolness, he turned it on.

There was Ye Anqi next to the sofa, and Su Yao was cutting fruit for them in the kitchen.

When she first opened, Ye Anqi suddenly raised her head and glanced at her when she heard the announcement.

Ye Susu glanced at the kitchen, and Su Yao was coming out with the plate.

She didn't want to use this as an opportunity to make her mother nag her. She lowered her head to close the page, but saw that the camera was aimed at Liang Luo's face, her beautiful face was almost stained with bright red blood and her complexion was pale.

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