Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1321: Why are you so stubborn

Ye Susu glanced at Pei Anzhi strangely, "We are already divorced."

Pei Anzhi's hand holding Ye Susu's chin suddenly moved.

For a moment, he really wanted to strangle her.

"Also?" Pei Anzhi gritted his teeth while holding back his anger.

"This is a fact."

"You... why are you so stubborn."

Ye Susu's neck suddenly suffocated, and a mockery flashed in her eyes.

"Do you know?"

She was not stubborn, she would not have been stubborn to marry him.

She is not stubborn, so she would not choose to stay by his side when he said she could choose to divorce.

She is not stubborn, let alone guarding an empty house, bearing the ridicule of others for herself, for two years.

She is stubborn, she will not regret her previous choice, and she will never allow herself to regret her current choice.

Pei Anzhi looked at her like this, his posterior molars were almost flattened out.

Suddenly squeezing her hand, Pei Anzhi grabbed Ye Susu's wrist and walked out without a word.

"You... let go, what are you doing?!"

In order to facilitate the movement of patients, the elevator in the hospital has an automatic ramp-type elevator. When Pei Anzhi forced Ye Susu up, Ye Susu stepped on the plane with one foot, but was driven by the conveyor belt, and a pair of legs suddenly diverged. .

His body was unstable and hit Pei Anzhi's back heavily. Pei Anzhi didn't stand up straight either. This time he didn't have to deliberately do it. The whole person fell forward because of the strength of his back.

He could have grasped the handrail on the side, but he was quick to pull Ye Susu with his eyesight and hands.

As a result, when he realized that something inevitable was about to happen, he pushed Ye Susu's body away, at least he couldn't roll down with her.

But Ye Susu seemed to know that Pei Anzhi's thoughts were normal, so he knelt there and hugged Pei Anzhi's waist tightly.

Pei Anzhi staggered twice, and after being hugged by Ye Susu, he quickly grabbed the handrail on the side.

The first time he turned around to look at Ye Susu, to see where Ye Susu was sitting on her knees in embarrassment, her hair was a little messy, but it was fine.

As a result, the elevator reached the ground just after taking a breath. At this time, he didn't raise his feet at all, and his toes were taken away by the elevator.

With a "puff", Pei Anzhi still fell to the ground.

There was a pain in her knees, and she raised her eyes to look at Ye Susu, but she realized that she was sitting at the elevator entrance and was sent to the ground by the elevator. She was looking at Pei Anzhi dumbfoundedly, and she seemed to have no reaction.

The expression on Pei Anzhi's face was extremely gloomy.


Ye Susu suddenly laughed, Pei Anzhi raised his eyes and looked over, but Ye Susu shrugged, his face flushed.

"Puff ha ha ha ha..."

In the end, she finally couldn't bear it, still sitting there, looking at Pei Anzhi, clutching her belly, and the whole person laughing and shaking.

She smiled without hiding, and made no secret that she was laughing at herself.

The expression on Pei Anzhi's face was ever-changing. At this moment, he had stood up and looked at the surrounding doctors, nurses, and mobile patient family members. His face was even more gloomy. He stepped forward and pulled Ye Susu off the ground. Up.

Ye Susu laughed her body was soft, without a trace of strength, let Pei Anzhi pull her up from the ground.

The last time Pei Anzhi rolled down the stairs of the house, the fall was obviously heavy, and she did not have time to think.

But this time, she watched Pei Anzhi's embarrassed look.

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