Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1323: Who told you that

"Opportunity means that there is a chance? I have given you a chance, if you missed it, and choose not to leave, then never think about leaving!"

Ye Susu's face was ugly, her fists were squeezed, but she felt mockery in her heart and laughed at herself.

"Before I loved you, so I chose to stay by your side, but now I don't want to love you anymore. If I'm too tired, shouldn't you let me go?"

Pei Anzhi suddenly stared at Ye Susu, a flash of astonishment flashed deep in his eyes.

"You chose to marry me because you love me?"

Ye Susu sneered from the bottom of her heart. She remembered that he had asked her this way, and the tone and words were almost exactly the same.

He believes that she is just a woman who can accept any man for marriage.

But if this were the case, when she gave her divorce agreement back then, she took care of her, how profound and righteous, and how gentle.

Now, she really didn't know whether to thank him or hate him.

With a sigh, Ye Susu said helplessly:

"You can think what you want? After all, our marriage is due to our marriage. No matter what you think, it makes sense. I didn't choose to sign the divorce agreement at the beginning, but these two Years, I have always been trying my best to maintain our marriage. I used to ask for something extravagantly, but now I also understand some things. I don’t want to stick to this marriage anymore. I let it go. I don’t want to love... …"

"What do you understand? What does it mean that you don't want to love anymore? No, you must love and continue to love. If I don't agree to stop, you must continue to love!"


Ye Susu looked at Pei Anzhi with a complicated expression. Now, facing Pei Anzhi, she really had the urge to sew his mouth in minutes.

What kind of logic is this, how can he speak such words?

He doesn't say stop, she must love it?

After so many years of self-abuse, she already thought it was enough, why did he say that?

"Do you think you have the final say on emotional matters? What's the point of entanglement like this? Are you not afraid that your sister Liangluo will be in a hurry?"

"Don't tell me for others, you can tell me something else, be careful, I really can't wait to get back to the hotel, so I want you here!"

Ye Susu's face flushed immediately.


Seeing Ye Susu's choking expression, Pei Anzhi felt a little better in her heart.

He suddenly approached Ye Susu again, his warm breath sprayed on her chin, and his voice was deliberately lowered a lot, hoarse, extremely sexy.

"Sure enough, sometimes the body is more honest than the mouth, and instinct can prove everything."

As he said, the hand on her waist suddenly moved and began to slide.

Ye Susu gritted his teeth, he didn't believe that Pei Anzhi had such a "high" understanding in this respect.

The body lifted up, avoiding Pei Anzhi's restless hand,

"Pei Anzhi, who told you these things?!"

Pei Anzhi paused, and just said it smoothly. If it is normal, why does she think someone told him?

Can't he comprehend it himself?

In this way, these words seem to have indeed been said to him by someone.

it seems that--

Cool off?

Glancing at Ye Susu, an unnatural touch flashed across Pei Anzhi's face.

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