Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 133: Don't let me hate you

"Oh, I washed the clothes that Sheng Yuchen left behind last time! I was going to throw it away, but now I will show it to you!"

Gu Yian's face was a little solemn, "Chu Qing, you guys..."

There was a sound of unlocking the door.

Gu Yian and Mu Chuqing turned their heads and looked at them at the same time. Sheng Yuchen stood at the door with the key in his hand and looked at them blankly.

Mu Chuqing wore loose home clothes. Although conservative, he knew that it was the drowsiness style she often chose when she slept. Her long hair was draped wet on her shoulders...

And Gu Yian...

Sheng Yuchen's eyebrows jumped fiercely, but the monstrous anger in his heart continued to burn.

Gu Yian knew Sheng Yuchen best, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand and pulled Mu Chuqing's arm to his side.

But Gu Yian is not the only one who understands Sheng Yuchen's temper.

Mu Chuqing's heart trembled as she watched Sheng Yuchen walk towards them step by step.

Sheng Yuchen's eyes did not waver, standing in front of them.

"Sheng Yuchen, can you be more shameless? You actually backed up my keys!"

Sheng Yuchen glanced at him, the corner of his mouth curled up, facing Gu Yian.

"Why are you here?"

"..." Gu Yi'an looked at him coldly, as did Sheng Yuchen.

The coldness of the two men at this moment was deeply dangerous, and a thin layer of sweat formed in the palms of Mu Chuqing's hands.

"Get out!" Sheng Yuchen looked at Gu Yian and continued.

The voice was soft and deep, but it was as cold as frost.

"Sheng Yuchen!"

Mu Chuqing snorted in a low voice, "He has nothing to do with you here, it's you who should get out of here!!"

Sheng Yuchen glanced at her lightly, with a touch of...

It turned out to be a gentle smile.

Mu Chuqing's heart suddenly chilled. Sheng Yuchen looked calm at the moment, like a hypocritical demon. A person like him can stabb you with a knife while holding a knife, and smile softly at you on his face. Spoiled.

She is really afraid, when will Sheng Yuchen's invisible sharp knife suddenly stab at whom?

"Sheng Yuchen, don't force me to hate you!"

Mu Chuqing looked at him coldly, keeping her body in front of Gu Yi'an.

Breathing suddenly became difficult, and there was a pain in her wrist, and Mu Chuqing was suddenly pulled in front of him by Sheng Yuchen.


Gu Yian exclaimed, but saw Sheng Yuchen squeezing Mu Chuqing's chin, his eyes flashed a terrifying cruelty.

Sheng Yuchen stared at Mu Chuqing fiercely, her dark eyes were deep and secluded.


Sheng Yuchen suddenly laughed.

"For him? You hate me?! Good! It's better than your so-called love and hate!"

As soon as Sheng Yuchen's voice fell, a heavy punch had already landed on Gu Yi'an's face. The corners of Gu Yi'an's mouth split instantly, and a few drops of blood splashed on Mu Chuqing's face, before Mu Chuqing could speak. Stopped, Sheng Yuchen landed a punch on Gu Yi'an's stomach again.

Mu Chuqing was completely panicked. Sheng Yuchen had been training in the army since he was a child. How could he be able to bear these two punches on such a gentle, slender person like Gu Yian.

Gu Yi'an was caught off guard by these two punches, and saw that the third punch was about to fall on him again.


Mu Chuqing yelled anxiously, rushed forward, pounced on Gu Yian's body, held Gu Yian tightly, and planned to make this punch for Gu Yian.

Sheng Yuchen's vigorous hand was set only a few centimeters away from Mu Chuqing, the muscles on his face were beating, and he grabbed Mu Chuqing from Gu Yi'an.

"Do you have only Gu Yi'an in your eyes? Did you see me? Did you see it? Ah!!!"

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