Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1333: Family Tsundere

Pei Anzhi paused, with a cold face, nodded after a long while:


"Then President Pei, what's the matter with the divorce news released by President Ye before? Can you talk about it easily?"

"She's having a temper."

"In other words, Ye is always jealous? Ha ha, understandably, President Pei is so good, and President Ye should be upset."

Pei Anzhi's handsome face is still expressionless and indifferent.

However, he nodded and glanced at the reporter opposite.

Although you don't like flattering people, you can still have proper flattering.

Ye Susu jealous?

He loves to hear these words.

Seeing that Pei Anzhi's complexion was unharmed, the reporter paused and spoke. This time, there was some caution in his tone.

"It can be seen that the relationship between President Pei and President Ye is very good. I was also present at the press conference held by President Ye last time. The divorce agreement that President Ye brought out really had President Pei’s signature. Then this question... …Can you explain?"

The surrounding reporters stretched their recording pens in the direction of Pei Anzhi. It seems that this issue is an issue that everyone is concerned about.

Pei Anzhi was silent for a while, then spoke lightly, saying only four words:

"Husband and Wife."




The corners of everyone's mouths couldn't help but all of them twitched. Looking at this indifferent and noble-looking man, they just said something like "not ashamed or ashamed", and for a moment they didn't know how to answer the conversation.

"...He...hehe...understand, girl...women, I always like to threaten men with breakups...thank you for your cooperation, and wish you and Ye always happy."

The reporter who asked the question was also very uncomfortable. Although he was deliberately arranged by Pei to come in and specifically wanted to calm down this scandal, the question was also asked based on the trend of whitewashing, and never mentioned another scandalous girl. protagonist.

However, President Pei's question was really incisive.

Pei Anzhi didn't think there was anything at all, so he curled his lips slightly, and was not very satisfied with the reporter's subsequent supplement.

Glancing at him faintly, nodding slightly, "It's good if you understand."

The reporter pulled the corners of his lips with difficulty, nodded, and then took the initiative to clear the way.

Pei Anzhi left the airport under the protection of bodyguards.


Pei’s old house.

Father Pei stared at the Internet TV in front of him and snorted heavily.

"Huh! This brat! Shameless."

Mother Pei also pulled the corners of her lips, and looked at the father Pei beside her with an embarrassed look. Father Pei coughed slightly, touched his nose, got upstairs, and Mother Pei followed him upstairs.

"Why are you following up?" Pei Lintian looked awkward.

"Do you think our son was stimulated by something?" Pei Mu Luo Qing said with a strange expression.

"What's the irritation? I look fine."

Luo Qing snorted, "Yeah! I didn't feel irritated, I was born with a bit stuffy-sao, Tsundere's smelly problem! I don't know who it is with? Oh, my son, his father!"

Pei Lintian didn't look at Luo Qing, so he snorted coldly, turned his back and walked out of the bedroom, and turned into the study.

Luo Qing curled his lips, "If you have a father, you have a son."

When I got out of the room, just standing at the top of the stairs, I heard Grandpa Pei still talking about his grandson downstairs.

Luo Qing rolled his eyes indecently, "The whole family is full of boring-sao, the master of tsundere."

Obviously I don't know how to be happy in my heart, but I just made duplicity there.

I really don't know how such a big family man gets his wife.

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