Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1337: Tense meeting atmosphere

It is everywhere, and it is all national curses that are exported as dirty.

Pei Anzhi's face was tense, her face gloomy and terrifying.

When the secretary knocked on the door and came in, he was caught off guard and fought a cold war.

Pei Anzhi's cold gaze swept over, and the secretary's scalp was numb, and he involuntarily moved two steps backward.

"Pei... President Pei, it's time for the meeting."

Pei Anzhi grabbed the mouse and turned off the webpage, got up and walked out of the office, with air-conditioning all over.


The meeting room is very air-conditioned.

Pei Anzhi sat in the middle position, and when he came in, he brought a whole body of air-conditioning, shocking the several shareholders who had been tossing about the company before daring to say a word.

The whole meeting room was silent, and the atmosphere became colder,

Pei Anzhi did not speak, his body slightly leaning on the leather chair, a pair of cold eyes faintly sliding across everyone in the meeting room, slender fingers pinched a black diamond pen, in the bright and clean Once on the mahogany table, tapping gently in a rhythm, it was very obvious in the silent and empty conference room.

Everyone’s heads were shaken by the sound of the pen, and they didn’t dare to say anything.

The meeting proceeded in silence like this, and the sound of a pen tapping the desktop made everyone's panic more and more heavier. I'm afraid that if I listen for a while, everyone in this conference room will probably be driven crazy.

Pei Anzhi has been thinking about the problem of the post just now. It was the first time in his life that someone scolded so badly. However, it also proved a problem. Ye Susu’s thinking is right

It's because he didn't find Liang Luo before,

However, Liang Luo's move today was quite unexpected.

Liang Qihan convinced her?

Qi Han probably has some opinions on him, right?

After going around and around, he couldn't help thinking of the post just now, and that nasty sentence of national curse, he still felt in his heart.

This was obviously a personal attack, which seriously affected physical and mental health. He had to find a lawyer and sued all those people!

Not right, in this case, will you reveal your identity?

Report anonymously?

Will it be human flesh?

The more Pei Anzhi thought about it, the more he felt suspicious, and suddenly a cell phone ringing came to mind in the silent conference room.

Pei Anzhi frowned, and the pen in his hand hit the table hard, cold light flashed in his eyes, and his expression was cold and scary.

Everyone heard the ringtone of the phone and looked at their body in a hurry, but after a few seconds, everyone stopped their groping movements and looked at Pei Anzhi blankly.

No action, but the phone's ringtone is still ringing.

The nearest secretary next to Pei Anzhi approached Pei Anzhi slightly and reminded Pei An in a low voice:

"President Pei, it seems that your phone is ringing."

Pei Anzhi’s face changed, he reached out and touched his trouser pocket, took out his phone and took a look, it really was his phone ringing,

There was a hint of embarrassment on her handsome but cold face. When she raised her finger to hang up, she glanced at the caller ID and suddenly got up from her chair.

Everyone looked at him for unknown reasons, Pei Anzhi’s lips have already raised a curve, and after noticing everyone’s sight, he raised his head and said coldly, "You continue, and summarize the report later."

After speaking, he strode out of the meeting room under everyone's eyes.

Before the door opened, Pei Anzhi answered the phone.


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