Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1343: The freedom I dream of

How was she before, he can tell that she is still a clean woman as long as he moves his lips, but this time the scene is different. The second female role she played, kiss scenes, ambiguous scenes, **** scenes, almost occupy the whole scene. half.

So the day before she joined the crew, he said clearly.

From now on the two have nothing to do with each other,

Yes, she couldn't ask for it.

She was finally free, and finally got rid of that **** domineering man.

The delicate long eyebrows picked up indifferently, nodded and said:

"Of course! But... the critical moment is still reserved for filming. It's not easy to say if the scene is right and kissed."

Wen Muyan nodded, took out a hand fixed to Yuan Yao's waist, stretched out his big palm, and grabbed all of Yuan Yao's enchanting hair in the palm of his hand, then pulled it back and curled it into a temporary ponytail. Look like, and then looked at her for a while.

"Ponytail is best for you."

The smile on Yuan Yao’s face remained undiminished, but Wen Muyan approached her and pressed a kiss between her temples.


"Papa Papa"!

A burst of applause suddenly sounded, "Oh, it's perfect. I was worried that the two would not be able to let go of the first cooperation, but now it seems that I am worrying too much!"

Yuan Yao looked at it, her smile froze for a while, and then put her smile away calmly.

Wen Muyan loosened Yuan Yao's long hair and pulled Yuan Yao back from the pool with a slight force.

He glanced at the director Lin Huai, nodded slightly, and then scanned the two people standing next to Lin Huai, without doing anything else, got up and picked up the script and walked towards the villa.

Yuan Yao stood in place, neither walking nor walking,

On the contrary, Liang Luo, who was standing by the side, smiled decently: "I heard that Wen Muyan rarely confronts others in private. Director Lin, your vision is really unique. It seems that our male protagonist is also very satisfied this time. Where’s the second female? It’s rumored that Wen Muyan has a bad temper and picked the right person. This time the shooting has saved a lot of trouble!"

Liang Luo's voice was so soft that it could be heard by a few of them nearby.

Lin Huai sighed, with a relaxed tone, looked at Yuan Yao and smiled:

"It is indeed! Yuan Yao!"

"Here! Director Lin."

Yuan Yao was startled by Lin Huai’s sudden increase in decibels, and immediately responded, moving towards Lin Huai.

Lin Huai was quite satisfied and nodded, "Wen Muyan is a genius in the show business world. If you can get him to point you, it will save you a few years of detours!"

Yuan Yao nodded, "Thank you, the director, for your guidance."

"..." Lin Huai nodded.

Liangluo stared at Yuan Yao with a smile but a smile. The serious irony and contempt were obvious.

But Yuan Yao never looked up at her.

To be precise, I don’t want to see the man standing next to her,

It’s a bit of a back, this is the backyard of the villa, how to inspect even inaccessible places like the backyard,

"Then what, Director Lin, then I'll go to Wen Muyan for advice before shooting?"

Yuan Yao took the opportunity to drive off, but Lin Huai was puzzled. Yuan Yao looked up at him, but Lin Huai turned his side in doubt, looked at Yuan Yao, and pointed at Xia Mingxiu who was standing beside him.

Yuan Yao was brought here by Xia Mingxiu himself, why now...

Afterwards, he immediately reacted, and his eyes became clear.

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