"Director Lin, won't it? Which scene do you want to shoot and you still have to seek the opinions of actors?"

Liang Luo faintly heard from the door, everyone looked over, Liang Luo still leaned against the door with a smile, looking at Lin Huai,

Lin Huai's face couldn't help but become cold a bit, and he couldn't agree with Liang Luo in his heart.

I thought I had reached the position of an internationally nominated film queen in France, and there was almost no negative news. It should be an inspirational stream in the entertainment circle. Since this drama has her mixed in, she is a stream in no way, it is a filthy stream. The leader in

Using the relationship to request forcibly changing the script, playing big cards in the crew, the princess temperament, showing the delicate and delicate.

"I have to take care of the actor's emotions. The actor's emotions are not in place. I would rather delay it until the end."

Liang Luo nodded in disapproval, "Director Lin, an actor must always learn to adjust his emotions when filming. This is the most basic requirement for an actor. If he is not competent, it is better to be a little self-aware and leave the opportunity to people with potential. , At least it won’t delay progress..."

Do you know why Liang Luo speaks so strangely every time?

What this said, did not save any face to the director, and Yuan Yao was ironically worthless.

But no one knew that the reason Yuan Yao entered the crew was because of the relationship between Xia Mingxiu, and Liang Luo secretly shot Xia Mingxiu's eyesight, but also satirized Director Lin, who seemed to be in the face of him, into a blind eye. People with gold and jade.

It seems that this coldness is really relying on his own background to be tough, who is not afraid of offending!

Yuan Yao sneered, and Xia Mingxiu, who sat there calmly with her eyes turned towards Mount Tai, looked at him expressionlessly, and there was a lot of irony in his eyes.

Isn't it just the infinite indulgence of a few of them?


Lin Huai's face was already filled with anger. They all said that those who do art have a weird temper. Lin Huai's temper is actually very big, but when he wanders in the cesspool of the entertainment industry, his temper is somewhat suppressed.

But after all, there is a bottom line, and the depth is not the same. Sometimes he can tolerate big things, and sometimes small things may make him angry.

When the fire started, the six relatives didn't recognize it, and regardless of who was the king, Lao Tzu, the eruption still had to erupt.

Naturally, Liang Luo noticed it, raised his eyebrows, and walked behind Xia Mingxiu, holding the back of the chair behind Xia Mingxiu with both hands, and said with a smile: "Are you right, Mingxiu?"

Liang Luo pulled Xia Mingxiu in. Lin Huai's temper that was about to explode suddenly suffocated. Naturally, he knew that Liang Luo and Xia Mingxiu had a close relationship, so he tensed his face and threw the script on the wooden box in front of him.

He was akimbo, as if he couldn't let out his anger, and looked uncomfortable.

Yuan Yao turned around, turned her back to the director and Xia Mingxiu, and faced Wen Muyan who had nothing to do with her. She raised her head, rolled her eyes violently, and took two deep breaths.

Wen Muyan tightened the bath towel around his waist again. He raised his head just to see Yuan Yao's ridiculous expression. He gently pulled the corners of his lips. His white eyes wished to turn the eyeballs out. Wen Mu Involuntarily reached out and stroked her eyes,

"If you roll your eyes again, you won't be able to come back."

Wen Muyan said in a low voice, his voice very gentle.

Xia Mingxiu did not answer Liang Luo's question, her eyes squinted slightly to watch Yuan Yao easily ignore everyone, and interact with Wen Muyan intimately irrelevantly.

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