Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1351: Fake kindness

Some people might think that since Liang Luo sincerely wants to have trouble with Yuan Yao, he can arrange a few more slap scenes in the play to torture Yuan Yao for public favors.

However, Liang Luo thinks that this kind of trick is too old-fashioned. Her image is a lady, noble and elegant. If the characters in the play are played in place, it is easy to wear a vicious and contrived hat in reality, and this hat , Others can wear it.

Therefore, the script of this play has long been changed beyond recognition. Originally, the screenwriter preferred to portray the female second, but the halo was all taken away by the heroine.

The script has been changed like this, and Mr. Xia needs to change it here!

Knowing that Liang Luo and Mr. Xia grew up together, they had a good relationship...


Is it possible that President Xia is now venting for Liang Luo as just Yuan Yao satirizing Liang Luo?

Everyone reacted and looked at Yuan Yao's body, all with sympathy and gloat.

Director Lin did not agree, he was not a ***** director!

"Mr. Xia, the effect will be good. The previous kiss scene was also very effective. There is no need to fake it."

"...The effect that someone else can achieve by borrowing a place, she's afraid that she may not be able to achieve satisfactory results if she fakes it?"

Xia Mingxiu still smiled yinly, his eyes always falling on Yuan Yao's body.

Liang Luo stood aside, after thinking about it, she also felt that Xia Mingxiu was helping her to vent her anger, and felt a little better. Seeing Yuan Yao shrinking in the corner of the pitiful resignation, she secretly sneered and satirized her just now. Capacity.

Although reluctant, seeing the sympathy of most people around Yuan Yao, she still spoke.

"Mingxiu, forget it. Yuan Yao is still a newcomer. Don't scare her. If she doesn't perform well, she can do it a few more times. Why bother to do something fake? Besides, Isn’t she still an artist under your hand? Spreading it out will not affect the company."

Liang Luo is a posture that an adult doesn't remember the past of the villain, making those who just sympathized with Yuan Yao instantly felt that Liang Luo's image became taller.

Yuan Yao still stood there with her head down, her face pale under the cover of her long hair, her teeth clenched tightly, and she tried her best to restrain the trembling of her body. She wanted to endure it, so she made Xia Mingxiu toss, anyway, her status was very different. She is true to him, and now she can't care about it.

She can bear it!

She couldn't make it up to run into him again.

However, she could not bear the cold and fall there as a good person.

I don't want to bear the favor of a woman who almost broke her good friend's marriage.


She thought she would never experience this feeling in her life.

Unfortunately, he planted a somersault on the way.

After taking a deep breath, Yuan Yao adjusted her breath. She finally moved, but she reached out her hand to lift her hair back to her head, and finally raised her head and glanced at Director Lin, only to see Lin Huai with a straight face. Stand still in silence.

Yuan Yao could tell that Director Lin was a good director.


Disagree, but unable to refute.

Lin Huai was embarrassed.

Yuan Yao hooked her lips and said to Lin Huai:

"It's okay, Director Lin, if my acting skills are really bad, I don't mind if the fake act is really done. I will dedicate myself to art. I am willing."

Xia Mingxiu's smooth forehead instantly bulged out a few hideous blue veins, the muscles on both sides of his cheeks throbbed violently, and his eyes were as cold as thorns.

Lin Huai also frowned and looked at Yuan Yao, with sympathy, helplessness and complaint in his eyes.

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