Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1355: A misstep becomes an eternal hate

"Wash! Give me a hard wash! If you don't wash your skin off tonight, don't even want to crawl out!"

Xia Mingxiu gritted his teeth while listening to the ghostly voice of the yin bird!

Yuan Yao raised her hand and wiped her face, and then suddenly sneered. This laughter sounded very ironic at this moment.

"Mr. Xia, you have a lot of control! I have long hair and short knowledge. I have never heard of the boss taking care of the staff taking baths!"

"Really? Let's open your eyes today!" Xia Mingxiu said quietly.

Yuan Yao's face sank, she squinted her eyes and looked up at Xia Mingxiu who was standing under the light.

"What the **** do you want to do? Before I joined the crew, I remember you had made it very clear. Today, there is only the relationship between the boss and the subordinates. Why do you treat me this way?"

"The relationship between boss and subordinate is enough!"

Yuan Yao gritted her teeth with hatred. The late summer night, the pool water, and the cool wind are really not a good time for the all-in-one Ye Susu.

She had a cold fight, gritted her teeth and said:

"I knew it would be so troublesome when I got into trouble. I might as well seduce a nouveau riche. It's a **** misstep and a hatred forever!"

Xia Mingxiu stood by the pool and sneered, "Regret?"

"Heh... I regret it!"

Xia Mingxiu didn't speak for a long time, Yuan Yao walked towards the swimming pool with difficulty, avoiding Xia Mingxiu's position.

But when she just arrived by the pool, Xia Mingxiu's figure had already squatted before her eyes.

"Yuan Yao, does the regret you mentioned include the contract you signed with our company?"

Yuan Yao's face sank, her lips pressed, and she tilted her head to one side.

Xia Mingxiu suddenly laughed, raised his hand, only extended a thumb and index finger, and pinched Yuan Yao's chin with only the tips of **** in disgust, turning Yuan Yao's head around.

Yuan Yao struggled, but his fingertips worked harder. Although his nails were carefully trimmed every day, the pinched chin still felt like acupuncture pain.

She angrily waited for him.

Xia Mingxiu approached her, the temperature on her body was low, and the breath sprayed on her face when Xia Mingxiu spoke seemed warm.

"Yuan Yao, let me see how capable you are!"

Xia Mingxiu let go of her, stood up, and looked at her condescendingly, the indifference and irony in her eyes seemed unusually abrupt.

He snorted coldly, turned and lifted his foot to leave.

"Xia Mingxiu!" Yuan Yao suddenly yelled, and Xia Mingxiu slowly stopped without turning around.

With a sound, Yuan Yao climbed up from the pool and walked in front of Xia Mingxiu, looking up, embarrassed, her face pale, but she still had that stubborn face.

Xia Mingxiu frowned, but Yuan Yao first said, "You want to block me?"

Xia Mingxiu twitched his lips lightly, "I brought you in for the crew, so I have to get Ben back no matter what."

After all, Xia Mingxiu bypassed Yuan Yao and turned to leave.

Yuan Yao stood still, cold all over.

The next day’s scenes, intimate scenes still exist, and the director will naturally not really let people come to a fake scene. The trend of the script, Lin Huai did not follow the current script content during the filming process, but how much A scene that restores the scene of the original script.

Liang fell aside, facing Lin Huai's temporary change of mind, he could only bear it with a cold face.

Only then did Yuan Yao understand why the director allowed to start shooting with an unrecognizable script in the first place. It turned out that there was such a trick.

The crew was cold outside, but when he entered the crew, he had the final say.

Xia Mingxiu never appeared again, and the progress of the filming was not bad, except for a few words with Liang Luo Yin and Yang every day, nothing special.

Until a week later, Yuan Yao noticed something was wrong...

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