Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1360: Why should I give you a baby

"Wipe, Xia Mingxiu, are you still a human? Just cross the river and demolish the bridge! Remember to pay me the fee!"

Qiu Lin was repeatedly suppressed by Xia Mingxiu's aura and jumped angrily in the office. In the end, he called an assistant and arranged the ban on Yuan Yao's abortion.

Xia Mingxiu, you girl is a beast!

Yuan Yao walked out of the hospital quickly, wearing black sunglasses on her face, her face was still pale, and her whole body couldn't stop shaking.

His eyes were blocked by sunglasses, but he was already hot.

Her heart hurts and sore. Now she doesn’t even have the courage to reach out to touch her belly. The first child in her life just lay quietly in her belly. Every bite she eats, the baby in her belly is very likely. It will grow a little bit longer, changing every minute and every second, just in her belly, just at one end of her umbilical cord.

But she had no fate with him, if so, it was only five to eight weeks of fate.

She really didn't understand why some women would kill their children without caring, would they really be sad?

He swallowed hard, his feet felt a little soft.

Xia Mingxiu's figure passed by her, she paused, and walked towards the entrance of the hospital.

The figure is weak and slender, but stubbornly like a cow.

Xia Mingxiu looked at Yuan Yao's back, and suddenly an unnamed fire started to blaze again.

Does she want this child anyway?

Yuan Yao's indifferent tone was really angry, he gritted his teeth!

A child who was not expected at all, a child born from a whim.

There is nothing special. If he is another woman, he will do the same, and Yuan Yao is no exception.

So this child can't ask for it. This is a question that you don't even have to think about.

So he didn't hesitate to give the answer at the beginning, and it was too much.

But at the beginning, when the door suddenly opened in Qiu Lin's office, he could clearly feel the feeling that his heart suddenly sank.

I don't know what that taste is because of it, anyway, it's not very pleasant.

I didn't plan to have this kid anyway?


The car suddenly stopped next to Yuan Yao. Yuan Yao was startled. He glanced at the car next to him and looked around vigilantly. She is not well-known now, but the owner of the car is mostly concerned. Live, she can be found by digging.

She has not had the capital to deal with such a big news.

The window of the car slowly fell halfway, revealing half of Xia Mingxiu's side face, without even looking at her.


The anger in Yuan Yao's heart came out immediately.

Damn mentally retarded!

He got into his grandpa Xia's car at the entrance of the hospital. Does he think it is not low-key enough to let a woman conceive his child?


The sudden sound of the horn drew a lot of people's eyes, Yuan Yao was also taken aback, gave Xia Mingxiu a fierce look, turned and lifted her foot away.


Another long whistle sound, resounding through the sky!

Yuan Yao's scalp was numb, and the car behind her had been following her, bearing the gaze of the people around her, Yuan Yao deliberately dodged, but appeared to be stealing the bell, and finally got into the car.

"President Xia! What do you want to do?"

"Naturally I'm afraid you will run away!"

Yuan Yao was startled, and finally he sneered twice, "Xia always thinks too much. I am not a fool of all right and wrong. I can't do things like running with the ball, and I don't love you either. There is no need to give birth to you! If President Xia is not at ease, he can send a few more people to watch me."

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