Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1363: Who kicked it?

Xia Mingxiu pursed her lips, glanced at her faintly, and looked at her trying hard to separate her relationship with herself, and she felt annoyed for no reason.

He took out an extremely delicate diamond-encrusted box on his body, and when he opened it, he took out a long and thin white cigarette from the inside. A male colleague immediately approached and lit the cigarette.

Xia Mingxiu took a heavy sip, hanging cigarettes between his slender fingers, and the smoke floating in the air followed by a beautiful arc. The whole person stood there, his slender body seemed to be standing on the endless ice. Generally, thousands of miles are deserted and independent.

"Who kicked it?" The faint three words, light and fluttering, made everyone fearful.

Yuan Yao's forehead was tingling, she waved Bai Ping away, stood up and turned to Xia Mingxiu, "Mr. Xia, I really troubled you today, but I won't bother with Xia."

"Can you control it?"

Xia Mingxiu's cold gaze pierced her, her attitude was really unpredictable.

What is his relationship with Yuan Yao?

Said to help her out, but he could be indifferent to Yuan Yao.

Yuan Yao shrugged, "Sorry! I passed." After that, she sat down again.

"Who kicked it?"

Liang Luo was angry, "Xia Mingxiu, why are you going crazy today?"

Xia Mingxiu lowered his eyes and took a cigarette, "Cool, don't worry about too much! I don't plan to indulge you without a bottom line. For the time being, stand on the position of a friend. If you don't listen to the truth, don't think about the consequences at that time Let others take care of you! One last word of warning, don’t force everyone who stood next to you away..."

Liang Luo became angry from anger, "Xia Mingxiu, you..."

"Cool fall, you are enough! Your brother can't help me. As for Brother Pei... I think, because of you alone, I have given him enough face! Do you think you have any bargaining chips to yell at me. "


When did Liang Luo experience this kind of grievance, his eyes blushed immediately.

Everyone felt that the momentum was not right, and a dozen pairs of eyes floated back and forth on Xia Mingxiu, Liang Luo and Yuan Yao.

But Yuan Yao had nothing to do with her, sitting high in the folding chair, playing with her mobile phone, Bai Ping glanced, she was reading a novel!

Bai Ping was speechless for a moment.

Finally, under the increasing pressure of Xia Mingxiu, some people finally pushed the "stepmother" out,

"What's up? Are you really blinded by others? I'm sorry to confess to you, do you really plan to shrink here for a lifetime?"

The girl who played the role of Hua's domestic servant looked at the "stepmother" with contempt, and spoke rudely.

Yuan Yao hooked her lips and smiled. It was really funny. In the play, she played someone else's master, but she was despised by her "servant" outside the play.

A voice rang, and everyone around him echoed, "No, it's a typical shame."

The "stepmother" stood out from the crowd trembling.

He glanced at Liang Luo beside him, and tremblingly spoke:

"Manager Xia, I..."

"Stop talking! Everyone here knows that she did what I instructed! If you really want to vent your anger for others, come at me."

Liang Luo spoke suddenly, his tone sounding awe-inspiring.

Oh, spine!

Xia Mingxiu's cold eyes gradually fell from Liang Luo's face to the "stepmother".

"How much did she give you?"

"Ten..." "Stepmother" said bitterly. Before she finished speaking, Xia Mingxiu took out the check, and randomly scribbled a number on the check, pinching two fingertips in her hand.

"Five hundred thousand, kick her leg off! I will bear the consequences, who will?"

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