Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1367: WeChat private visit

She couldn't help but slowed down, looking at the eyes of the people around her, her footsteps were a little heavy, and everyone knew her "feat" before she left.

Pei Anzhi looked at her sluggishly and took the initiative to walk towards her with his slender legs.

When he approached, Ye Susu said, "Why are you here?"

While speaking, there was an unnatural blush on his face, and his neck was forced to be calm.

That awkward look made Pei Anzhi's lips smile slowly.

"I didn't lose my ID card?"

Ye Susu's question didn't get Pei Anzhi's answer, instead, it was such an unsolvable sentence.

But she still shook her head, "No."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Susu felt that Pei Anzhi's eyes suddenly dimmed, and she was puzzled that the person had been pulled by him and walked outside.


Cheng Minghui just put Ye Susu's luggage in the trunk, and just slammed the trunk shut, and the car rushed out.


Cheng Minghui stretched out his hand and probed the car, standing still a little bewildered, his face covered in circles.

Abandon him when he says to abandon it?

Ye Susu was also surprised, and took his gaze back from the rearview mirror, and said in doubt:

"Anything urgent?"

"En." Pei Anzhi faintly replied, and the accelerator under his feet was slightly depressed.

Ye Susu pursed her lips, feeling a little moved.

"Why do you want to pick me up in an emergency?"

Having said that, Ye Susu's face was filled with joy that could not be concealed, and her tone was a little bit of anger unconsciously.

But when the car suddenly stopped at the luxury hotel closest to the airport, the expression on Ye Susu's face began to wonder again.

"What are you doing here?"

"Private visit on WeChat."


The reputation here has been very good over the years, and the performance has improved every quarter.

"What to visit?"

Ye Susu asked subconsciously, Pei Anzhi's long and narrow eyes stared at her, with an inexplicable black light, and Ye Susu's scalp was numb.

This hotel is also owned by Pei's, with four to five stars. It is built near the airport and is more inclined to ordinary consumer groups.

Pei Anzhi is in the capital and would not normally stay here.

Holding Ye Susu all the way into the hotel, he took out his ID card and opened a luxurious suite.

Ye Susu felt that something was wrong, but the person was almost dragged out of the elevator. Pei Anzhi quickly opened the door and suddenly pressed Ye Susu back against the wall.


"After hanging out for more than a month, I will discuss some interest first."

Ye Susu stared at Pei Anzhi in surprise, and the streamer in the black eyes became thicker at this moment. Before she could react, Pei Anzhi's kiss swept across the sky.

Ye Susu leaned against the wall, and it was cold behind him, but Pei Anzhi’s kiss and him were walking up her body—the numbness of her walking hand was like a fire from the soles of her feet, hitting her whole body, and the heat gradually Penetrates the skin.

If she hadn't experienced it before, she didn't think there was anything.

But after all, she has experienced personnel, and the other party is still her beloved man, and her body needs to be comforted, and she is not in conflict with her soul. In a moment, Ye Susu softened her body and compliantly climbed onto Pei Anzhi's shoulders.

"An Zhi..."

Pei Anzhi took a bite on her chin, looked down at her eyes, and sprayed her hot breath on her face.

"What do you call me?"


Looking at Ye Susu's beautiful face, Pei Anzhi's eyes darkened.

He used to think that he was a person with indifferent personality, but the woman in front of him was alive as a walking poppy. Once contaminated, he could no longer help himself.

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