Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1394: Emotions are important for pregnant women

Liang Luo listened quietly, the smile on his face disappeared a little bit.

"Auntie, I'm not good. I was taken pictures of me and Brother Anzhi in France, which made my sister-in-law misunderstood!"

"No, you and An Zhi grew up together. It is understandable that you have a good relationship. It is your sister-in-law who is too careful."

Liang Luo could hear that although Luo Qing was complaining about Ye Susu, it was obvious that Ye Susu was his own talent.

There was a bit of coolness in my heart. I didn't expect Luo Qing to accept Ye Susu so quickly, and it was pretty good to her.

She could only cater to her and said, "That's because my sister-in-law loves Brother An too much. If she is not jealous, Brother An Zhi might be unhappy."

Luo Qing also found it funny. She had been young before and was with Pei Lintian. After so many years, she could feel the awkward temper.

Naturally, An Zhi's temperament is also very awkward.

The possibility that Liang Luo said is not without.

In fact, that’s the same thing. If you like it, it’s jealous. If you don’t like it, you can eat it.

Susu liked her son, Luo Qing was still very happy.

The smile on Luo Qing's face and his eyes hurt. Now, even the heart of the aunt who likes her is leaning against Ye Susu. She still has a little chance of winning.

Gritting his teeth secretly, Liang Luo was silent for a while, then suddenly asked:

"Auntie, do emotions really affect the fetus? The baby grows up on the placenta. It's not a collision. There should be nothing wrong with it, right?"

"Oh, you kid! Don't get emotional during pregnancy, it's not good for your child's development. I had a friend when I was young, and I just checked out two months of pregnancy, but when I saw my husband cheating, I felt angry on the spot. It’s delivered. Keep your mood at ease, and you must control your mood, ah! Remember."

Liang Luo smiled and nodded, grabbing Luo Qing's arm and whispering softly: "Well, I know, thank you auntie, I know a lot now!"

Luo Qing patted her arms and dropped her arms, "I will come to chat with my aunt when I'm fine in the future, don't be outside, huh?!"

"En!" Liang Luo nodded heavily. "Well, auntie, you go back, I won't pester you today."

"That's fine, drive carefully on the road!"

"Okay, I know. Goodbye auntie."

Watching Luo Qing's car gradually disappear, Liang Luo took back the smile on his face, stood there for a long while, with a complicated expression on his beautiful face, turned around, bit his lip and got into the car.


Ye Susu really couldn't stay at home, even with Pei Anzhi by his side, he finally reached his limit.

She was not just a woman who lives idle, but now she is at the limit.

Pei Anzhi knew that she couldn't hold her back, so he thought about it and said to Ye Susu:

"There will be a charity fundraiser in the capital in two days. Would you like me to take you there?"

"What kind of charity fundraising? It's the company foundation..."

"No, it's just an ordinary fundraising, but Grandpa attaches great importance to it. It is the place where he stayed when he was a soldier. There was a flood and mudslide not long ago."

"Okay, I'll go. You stay with me!"

Pei Anzhi raised his eyebrows, "Of course."

Later, I told the old man about this matter. The old man did not object. It is good for two people to show up together. In the past two years, the two children did not seem to show up at the banquet together.

It's time to tell the world.

However, at the charity dinner that evening, Liang Luo was a special guest and image ambassador.

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