Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1399: Murder with a knife

"Miss, I am not obligated to be your human body pad. If you want to smash your head, don't rush on others specifically."

The people around them looked at the woman still leaning against the man's arms. When I heard Ye Susu's words, they couldn't help but lower their heads and smile.

The woman in this atmosphere was stunned with a face that didn't know how many hyaluronic acid had been hit. She watched the waiter who was holding the wine passing by. She reached out and took a glass of wine and threw it at Ye Susu's white dress.

The movements are like special training, fast and accurate, making people overwhelmed, and Ye Susu has no chance to escape.


Suddenly there was a low voice in the crowd, and finally Pei Anzhi and the others looked over.

A few of them came from famous people, and they were very proud from their childhood. They never bothered to pay attention to other people's affairs.

Only this time the movement was not small, Pei Anzhi realized that Ye Susu was not returning to the bathroom, and kept looking towards the direction of the safety exit.

There was a commotion here, he subconsciously looked over, and through the gap between the crowd of onlookers, he still saw half of his body in the gap.

Unexpectedly, Ye Susu didn't know when she came out. It seemed that she was in trouble.

He immediately frowned, stuffed the wine glass in his hand into Xia Mingxiu's hand, and walked over with his slender legs.

Ye Susu's white skirt was splashed with wine, which was particularly dazzling.

Looking at his masterpiece, the tall woman's face was smug.

But Ye Susu didn't feel anything when he looked at the clothes on his body, the expression on his face was calm and calm, and there was no slight fluctuation in his emotions.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay?"

Liang Luo's gentle and gentle voice rang from Ye Susu's side, and the expression of concern caused a sneer on Ye Susu's expressionless face.

If nothing happens, is Pei Anzhi also here?

Lifting his eyes and looking at the place where the childhood sweethearts were standing, Pei Anzhi had already walked over.

The smile on his face was even worse, and I felt helpless.

Liang Luo really played a lot of dog-blood dramas, put it in reality, and played it one after another.

Before entering the banquet, when she saw the ambassador sign standing at the door, she knew that tonight would not be peaceful.

She really has to thank Pei Anzhi for throwing her to the public relations department in the past two years, seeing all the intrigue in and out of this circle, and her feelings are cold and warm.

Nowadays, facing these things, she really doesn't pay much attention to it.

It's just that this woman actually wanted to hit her just now?

Then, watching her lose her child because of an accident?

Regardless of whether it was accidental or intentional, she had to put her hat on Liang Luo,

Whether she is wronged or not!

She is not pleasing to see Liang Luo, she just thinks Liang Luo is too sinister!

Secretly think about it, then secretly button her a hat, who can control her.

If you really wronged her, you can only blame her for being unlucky!

Before Pei Anzhi walked over, Ye Susu suddenly grabbed Liang Luo's hand and said with a grudge on the tall woman opposite:

"Do you know her? Do you know who she is?"

Tangtang International nominates the actress, the ambassador of the charity party tonight, who doesn’t know.

"Of course I know!" The tall woman responded disdainfully to Ye Susu's question, which was similar to an idiot.

"Luoluo, do you know her?"

"No!" Liang Luo went back without even thinking about it.

Ye Susu breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good! After all, few people here know the news of my pregnancy. I thought..."

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