Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1412: Sweet as sweet

The driver felt that the air pressure in the carriage was low, and for Ye Susu, who knew Pei Anzhi, it was almost like being in an ice cellar.

Pei Anzhi's anger has not disappeared, and Ye Susu is also depressed.

They should know that both of them owe each other an explanation,

Ye Susu instinctively wanted to explain, but in the end, she stopped again.

She admitted that she had a clear conscience.

The fingers moved, but they were tightened.

Looking at the middle of the seat, the two people still clasp their fingers together, and the whole person feels mixed.

I have to say that Liangluo's last move is indeed quite effective.

"Don't you have anything to say to me?" Ye Susu still spoke first, knowing that all of this was a means of coolness, and if he were to be more truthful with Pei Anzhi, this would be the way of coolness.

"Don't you have anything to say to me?" Pei Anzhi finally said, the atmosphere seemed to be more cold.

Ye Susu curled her lips, "What do you think I should tell you?"


Ye Susu wanted to withdraw his hand, Pei Anzhi pressed back.

Forced, arrogant.

Ye Susu sighed deeply.

"Anzhi, sometimes I really feel hateful and ridiculous about your slowness. I told you before, I love you, isn't this the simplest and most powerful explanation for you, myself, and us? ?"

Pei Anzhi's eyes flashed and turned to look at her.

Ye Susu sighed, rather helpless.

"And what about you, what did you give me? You said to make me believe you. I want to believe, but it doesn't mean that I have to believe in Liangluo."

There was a moment of silence, "Anzhi, why do we always become so sensitive because of a cold fall?"

Pei Anzhi suddenly pulled Ye Susu into his arms.

"Just now, I have told Liang Luo very clearly. I will force her to return to France. With her, there is nothing to do with us."

Ye Susu was surprised, "That's what you told her on stage just now?"

Pei Anzhi raised his eyebrows, "Otherwise? How stupid do you think I will be, let a woman who hurts even my son put me around."

Ye Susu gritted her teeth, her eyes suddenly turned red, and she started choking.

"I think you are so... intimate... you don't care how I feel... you still... smile so softly to her..."

"Gentle? Ye Susu, aren't you very smart? Where's your brain? I am in your heart, am I just such a man with no bottom line?"

Ye Susu sobbed so badly. Hearing Pei Anzhi's accusations made her feel even more uncomfortable, "You guys... how deep is the bottom line of your relationship for more than ten years? How do I know? Isn't it the lawlessness that you dote on her! What does it have to do with my head, I'm smart! It's all your fault! It's all your fault..."

The quiet and cold carriage suddenly became lively, just because of a Ye Susu.

Ye Susu beat him angrily, Pei Anzhi didn't hide, anyway, knowing that Ye Susu was reborn, he was not willing to hurt him.

Just looking at Ye Susu's grievance, he could only give in first.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, it's all my fault. You are very smart, I shouldn't spoil you, I will only spoil you in the future, I only have no bottom line for you, OK, are you satisfied?"

Ye Susu was dissatisfied, "It sounds like I forced you to do this! Did I force you? I didn't force you!"

Pei Anzhi replied, "You didn't force me, it was my own willingness, and I am willing to do so."

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