Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1429: She dare not

I also heard that Yuan Yao was pushed off the boat by Liang Luo, and Xia Mingxiu jumped off the boat!

Later, Yuan Yao was taken to the hospital by Xia Mingxiu, and Yuan Yao's friends followed.

This is really messy.

"It is said that Yuan Yao is pregnant, think about the interaction between Xia Zong and Yuan Yao these days, the child in Yuan Yao's belly is probably Xia's!"

The agent Alan was gossiping, Wen Muyan raised his eyebrows, but there was no surprise on his face.

"It's just that, President Xia seems to be dissatisfied with Yuan Yao! Last time he deliberately made things difficult, and this time, let Liang Luo change the script by himself, and even added a double slap to the scene. President Xia agreed. , Watched Liang Luo slap Yuanyao again and again! You said he didn't know that the other party was pregnant? No, when Yuan Yao was pushed off the boat, Mr. Xia was the first to rush out! I really don’t know how he was. want?"

The agent continued to gossip, but Wen Muyan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Originally there was no play for him today, so I could take a good rest in the hotel, but thinking of Yuan Yao's stubborn little face, Wen Muyan decided to go to the hospital to have a look.

It was only after Liang came to know that the reason Yuan Yao could not go into the water was actually because of pregnancy.

Everyone in the crew avoided her like a snake, only her agent Amy followed her.

"What's the use of being stunned here? You have to do something when you get into trouble?"

"..." Liang Luo held the water glass tightly in his hand and looked up at Amy. The two stacked finger prints on a pale face were shocking.

There was confusion and timidity in her eyes. Obviously, she was a woman who had never experienced anything before. Even if she got into trouble before, some of her friends would help her out, or she would not care about her.

Indulge her, tolerate her, and pet her without a bottom line, which has led to such a domineering, defiant, and arrogant!

Also, when she really got into trouble and stepped on the bottom line of others, and the other party could no longer forgive her easily, she herself was completely confused and at a loss!

Amy can't even look at Liangluo at a glance. She has a star face. What's so arrogant about her!

The consequences of the cool fall, Amy has a hunch since she became famous in France...

After taking a look at Liang Luo, Amy sighed after all.

"You, don't you go to the hospital?"

Liang Luo was stunned for an instant, his eyes were full of fear!

She doesn't want to face the two women in the hospital now, even more afraid of Xia Mingxiu and Brother An...

Thinking of Pei Anzhi, Liang Luo's expression was even sadder. She stretched out her hand and brushed her cheek. Pei Anzhi's slap seemed to be the same as before, and it was so hot and painful.

However, she felt that her heart hurts even more.

Before, no matter what, Brother An had never hit her!

And now, he actually slapped her, and that slap was only for a Yuan Yao.

Just because Yuan Yao is Ye Susu's friend!

In his heart, she couldn't even compare to a friend of Ye Susu's?

Xia Ming dressed up and guarded at the door of the emergency room for nearly two hours, but Yuan Yao did not come out!

The longer he waited, the more panicked he was.

He couldn't imagine what kind of mentality Yuan Yao had in lying in the emergency room for two hours, and how much torment he endured.

Later, the negative emotions in my heart grew like crazy!

Looking up at the red light still on in the emergency room, Xia Mingxiu suddenly turned around and left the hospital!

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