Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 143: Lost business

"Mu Chuqing, I didn't like you before, of course, I still do. But, I am here today to beg you, please go to the hospital to see my cousin!"

Mu Chuqing froze for a moment, then sneered for a moment:

"What? Is it possible that your cousin also learned Chang Chu and committed suicide? I'm sorry, Chang Chu committed suicide and wanted to make your cousin distressed. Who did your cousin die by committing suicide?"

Anqi Ye bit her lip, "Cousin got up with a rash and fever. He was in a daze at the hospital and refused to be seen by the doctor. Didn't you help him heal him when you got married? Please... …"

Ye Anqi's eyes were a little red, and the usual cold and arrogant woman bowed her head for Sheng Yuchen in front of her.

Ye Anqi is different from Chang Chu. She knows who is in Chang Chu very well. She is always doing dramas. The people in the Sheng family have nothing bad in their bones. They are either turned around by Chang Chu's play, or they are close to Zhu and black.

However, their family is so good-hearted that it is comparable to Guanyin Bodhisattva, and she has no obligation to do anything for them.

"Ye Anqi, you go back!"

Mu Chuqing threw away Ye Anqi's hand and opened the office door.

"Mu Chuqing, the Sheng family didn't apologize to you, why is your heart..."


The only response to her was a loud closing of the door, and a closed door.

Mu Chuqing threw the bag on the table and walked directly to the French window.

Looking at this huge Fucheng with a sneer.

Sheng Yuchen, your bet is big, but I'm no longer a fool!

No one can't live without me, you still live well without me for four years.

We have known each other for less than two years, Chang Chu has been with you for 14 years, and you have found the wrong person.

When the office door was knocked awake, Mu Chuqing regained his senses and responded indifferently.

"Come in!"

"Mr Mu, everything has been sorted out!"

Mu Chuqing glanced at the stack of document bags in Liu Na's arms, her eyes cold.

"Notify each department manager to have a meeting!"


Liu Na bowed her head and left the office.

To be notified of the meeting temporarily, this is just a matter of time for the company's senior management.

The company has just lost such a big project, everyone is really disappointed with the newly appointed President Mu.

Scattered, shook his head and walked into the meeting room.

Mu Chuqing was already sitting in the seat with a cold face, and it was easy to see that his mood at the moment was extremely unhappy.

This is the leader. Even if you lose your business because of your own fault, the trainees will always be subordinates.

All of them dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak. They looked for a seat and shook their heads silently.

The meeting time was up, Mu Chuqing's eyes scanned the faces of everyone in the meeting room, and her eyes became colder again.

The door of the conference room opened again at this time, and Director Gao of the Planning Department arrived late.

There was a thick disdain and looseness on his face, even if he was late, there was no rush or guilt on his face.

"Minister Gao, I don't think you should sit down!"

Mu Chuqing's beautiful eyes stared directly at the wall in front of him coldly, but he didn't even look at the man who was standing still.

"Mr. Mu, what do you mean? Is it possible that you want me to stand in front of such a colleague and listen to your meeting?"

"My time is racing against time, you are five minutes late, and you want to waste time waiting for you to do it?"

"You..." Minister Gao raised his eyebrows, "Mr. Mu, don't lose your business and throw anger on me!"

"Who will I not sprinkle with you?"

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