Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1446: Morning sickness is coming

It's hard to imagine that he, Pei Anzhi, is actually going to be a father.

The husband’s identity has not yet fully adapted, so he has to challenge another brand new identity,

It seems that the days to come will be filled with countless challenges,

Seeing Pei Anzhi's unconsciously warm expression, Ye Susu's heart was filled.

What she wants, not much, is the hardest thing in the world to get.

She was really lucky. She was even more grateful for her persistence at the beginning and didn't let it go casually. She was even more grateful that Pei Anzhi could love her and held her when she was about to turn around.

She is lucky, she thought, she must be the luckiest person in the world,

"Anzhi, thank you." Ye Susu said suddenly.

"Thank me for what?" Inexplicably.

Ye Susu just smiled and shook his head.


Two months later, Pei Anzhi went on strike again,

It is said that beauty has missed the country, and the high-level members of the entire Pei financial group are heartbroken. In ancient times, it can be said that the emperor is not in a hurry, and the eunuchs are anxious.

However, the envy and hatred of female compatriots abound.

To say why--

In the old house of Pei's house, Ye Susu held the toilet and wanted to vomit the bile.

Pei An is dressed in casual clothes. Outside his shirt is a camel sleeveless sweater. The simple dress is indescribably handsome and expensive.

At this moment, he was squatting in the bathroom with Ye Susu, stroking Ye Susu's back with a distressed look.

Ye Susu vomited exhausted and stretched out his hand to push Pei Anzhi away, "How delicious, you go out!"

Still thinking about him now?

Pei Anzhi was a little annoyed, "Not going out."

Ye Susu's chest moved again and she started to vomit again.

In the end, Ye Susu couldn't afford to hold the toilet. "Husband, you can get me a horse. I won't go out anymore. I want to sleep with the toilet. I can't live without it. It is too important to me now!"


Pei Anzhi's long eyebrows are raised, and he sleeps with the toilet? The toilet is more important than him? !

Being pregnant made him feel aggrieved, and even the position in her heart was robbed of the toilet?

My heart was too thin, but I saw Ye Susu vomiting pitifully, and forbearing no opinion, called the servant to bring water, gargle, and took Ye Susu out of the bathroom.

A crowd around the door, Father Pei, Father Pei, Uncle Pei... (Don’t ask me what Uncle Pei is doing here, just make up the number! (⊙o⊙)...)

"How? Is it better?"

Elder Pei stretched his neck and looked at Ye Susu, and asked worriedly.

Ye Susu tugged at the corners of her lips and nodded, "It's better."

"Oh, what do you guys think like around there? Every one of them is useful at the critical moment. Come on, vegetarian. This is what I made with your aunt. Strawberry yogurt egg custard, light and nutritious,

"Thank you mom, thank you great aunt..."

Ye Susu was scared when he heard that something was going to be stuffed into his stomach. For fear that he would have to vomit, he resisted the nausea and thanked him, then turned around and rushed into the bathroom.

Ye Susu’s nausea sound came from inside immediately, Pei Anzhi picked up the water cup in the servant’s hand and walked in.

There was nothing to vomit at all, Ye Susu only felt soft, and the hand holding Pei Anzhi trembled.

Pei Anzhi looked anxious. After watching her gargle, he said with a gloomy face: "I'll call the doctor over."


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