Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1450: When he died

When everything calmed down, a long time had passed, Ye Susu refused to go out alive and dead.

The time spent here is so long that it cannot be explained. Did the people in that room guess something?

Although she is a pregnant woman.

In the end, Pei Anzhi couldn't help but hugged Ye Susu horizontally and walked directly towards the bedroom of the two.

The servant was greeted halfway, and Ye Susu was buried in Pei Anzhi's arms.

"Master, grandma..."

"Pick a few lighter dishes and deliver them to our room." Pei Anzhi said to himself, interrupting the servant.

The servant was a little dazed, only knowing that he subconsciously responded first. When Pei Anzhi passed by holding Ye Susu, the servant reacted and looked at Pei Anzhi's long back and smiled.


Gu Chengze and Pei Jingqiao discussed their marriage at home.

Pei Anzhi was sitting on the sofa, his slender and white hands were peeling the grape skins in his hands, and there was a little bit of it in Ye Susu's mouth.

Speaking of honeymoon, Pei Jingqiao vacillated between Venice, Hawaii and Flori.

Finally sighed, raised his head and suddenly asked Ye Susu.

"Sister-in-law, where did you and my second brother go on your honeymoon?"

Ye Susu was stunned, moved her mouth, and never said a word.

Back then, it was even harder for her to see Pei An, so how could she talk about honeymooning between loving couples.

She has never had a honeymoon, and now she is talking about it, she feels wronged.


No wonder pregnant women are prone to prenatal depression, and some of them have too many thoughts.

She had never thought about so much,

Pei Anzhi's movement of peeling grapes also stopped, and his lips were tightly pressed, and there was also a guilt in his heart.

"Qiao Qiao, go all, ah, go all, you guys have a lot of fun, you will have a child after saving, three or five years, you can't go if you want to!

Pei Jingqiao's eyes lit up and turned to look at Gu Chengze who had been silent, his eyes dimmed again.

"But Brother Chengze still has to manage the company, where can I go out for so long?"

"Look, I'm worried about this. Just once when you get married, you should be wayward when you get married. When you have a child, you don't want to be wayward!"

Pei Jingqiao pressed his lips and looked up at Gu Chengze.

Gu Chengze kept his eyebrows low, and suddenly raised his head, not Pei Jingqiao, but Ye Susu.

Pei Anzhi's eyebrows immediately wrinkled, and a cold glance fell on Gu Chengze's body.

The warning is obvious.

But Gu Chengze didn't care, looked at Ye Susu and smiled:

"The wedding is in the early spring of next year. The company has several projects that will be started in the beginning of the year. It is estimated that you will have to wait until summer when you are finished. The honeymoon will be moved a bit later. I will take a one-month holiday and go everywhere. Walk around. At that time, you have finished giving birth, so let's be together at that time, just to be a company with Jing Qiao..."



Pei Anzhi can't wait to jump up and beat Gu Chengze directly on his back. He took his wife on his honeymoon, and also brought his wife?

What do you mean?

When he is dead? !

The eldest aunt’s face is a bit ugly, "The young couple is honeymooning, isn't it right?"

Ye Susu was quite agreeable, and moved to Pei Anzhi's side subconsciously.

"Yes, Brother Chengze, this is really not appropriate..."

Gu Chengze glanced at Pei Anzhi’s face and smiled: “I’m afraid that time has passed and you think I’m boring. Having a partner, you won’t bother me immediately after marriage.”

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