Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1453: Evil capitalist

Pei Anzhi was silent for two seconds, and finally nodded, "Well, let it go."


The secretary was secretly happy, and took her husband and son out to eat tonight!

Pei Anzhi slightly curled his lips, showing a majestic smile,

"of course!"

He stood up, walked to the hanger at the door, took off the black coat, and smiled as he put it on, "Work overtime on Saturday!"

With a smile on the secretary's face, when Pei Anzhi opened the door to leave, he hurriedly asked: "Where is President Pei going?"

"Didn't it mean that today is Christmas Eve?"

The slender figure took an elegant step and left, leaving only a faint smell of wormwood.

"Evil capitalist!"

Muttered in a low voice, and happily called her husband and children.


"Why did you come back so early today?"

Ye Susu was watching TV in the living room with Mother Pei under the blanket and was a little surprised to see Pei Anzhi come back suddenly.


Pei Anzhi responded casually, lifted Ye Susu's blanket, and pulled her up from the sofa.

"Go wear a down jacket."

"What do i do?"

"I won't eat at home today."


Pei Anzhi gritted his teeth, "Where are there so many questions?"

Ye Susu was still taken away by Pei Anzhi.

Down jacket, scarf, snow boots, cotton hat, mask, all over the body, Ye Susu was wrapped up like a ball by Pei Anzhi, leaving only a pair of **** eyes looking at him spiritually.

"Where are we going?" Ye Susu sounded muffled while wearing a mask.

Pei Anzhi didn't speak, just pulling Ye Susu out.

Seeing two people come out like this, Mother Pei stepped forward and said:

"Drive carefully, be careful of your stomach." Ye Susu nodded, and heard Mother Pei smile again: "Christmas Eve, have fun."

Ye Susu was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look at Pei Anzhi, his eyes crooked with a smile.

Pei Anzhi looked at her mother's "I understand" expression, and pursed her lips uncomfortably. Without saying a word, she pulled Ye Susu and went out.

Sitting in the car, with the heating turned on sufficiently, Pei Anzhi drove himself and ran towards the most prosperous place.

"What do you want to eat?" Pei Anzhi asked.

Ye Susu paused. Feelings only took her away, without any plans?

What about roses, fine restaurants, candlelight dinners?

Pei Anzhi glanced at her sideways, "China's eight major cuisines, English, French, American, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, do you want me to guess one by one?"

Ye Susu was a little bit dumbfounded, and immediately forgiven Pei Anzhi's low EQ.

If it's like what he said, it's really not easy to handle.

Ye Susu held his chin in thought for a while, "Japanese food?"

"No! Avoid seafood, even raw seafood!"

Makes sense. Then South Korea is also excluded.

The Anglo-French virtues are completely out of consideration for Fossil.

"Sizzling barbecue?"

In exchange for Pei Anzhi's squint.

"Then hot pot!"

"No, yes!"

But Ye Susu slapped her face, and the hot pot was not letting go.

The hot pot was only eaten occasionally when Yuan Yao was there, and now she hasn’t eaten it for nearly half a year.

"Hot Pot."

"Change something else."

"Hot Pot."

"That thing is unhygienic!"

"Hot Pot."


"Let's buy our own vegetables and go back to eat! Ah? Anzhi, by the way, shall we go to our own home to eat?!"

Pei Anzhi blinked, his heart moved.


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