Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1465: Full Moon Seat

Pei Anzhi naturally took the couples from Ye Susu's hands, clasped Ye Susu's arms with one hand, and pulled Ye Susu out of the car with one hand.

Ye Susu wears very simple skinny jeans today. The upper body is a white long-sleeved chiffon knee-length gown. Her figure is a lot plump than before, but she was too thin before, and now she has more meat. Just right.

The posture is curvy, the beauty remains the same, quite charming.

When two people appeared at the gate of the full moon seat, everyone on the venue looked at them together.

Pei Anzhi is tall and handsome, and his temperament is still cold, but it has a lot less than a year ago, holding a dishonest little meat ball in one hand, and holding Ye Susu's waist in the other, walking in steadily. Meeting place.

The handsome and expensive man embraced his wife on the right and his young son on the left, but all of this seemed weird in everyone's eyes, but the facts were before them.

Such a noble and lofty man seems to be incompatible with these two factors. It feels like the impression of inhumane fireworks, but he is still in the world.

The eyes cast on Ye Susu were envy and jealous.

But there is no third person standing upright close to him.

If I want to understand, what I don't understand, I put my eyes on the little meat ball in Pei An's arms.

The young couple wore the little clothes sent by Yuan Yao and supported two small arms. The little hands seemed to be grasping something one by one. Sometimes the calf thumped twice with the babble sound, alive with an energetic little guy. .

As Pei Anzhi and Ye Susu approached, when people saw the cute little faces of Xiaoliangliang, they immediately liked them.

It's really cute.

Everyone swept their eyes at the young couples until they walked to the center of the venue, and there was another noise at the door.

Ye Susu heard someone in the crowd whispering, and immediately heard a familiar figure, turning around with joy.


The slender, cold and handsome man at the door was her cousin, and in his hand he was holding a little girl in a white princess dress.

Ye Susu was overjoyed and walked towards the two people.

The other party seemed to have seen her too, his pitch-black eyes were slightly curved, and a smile appeared.

The cold and gloomy air on his body dissipated a lot at once.



Sheng Yuchen replied softly, Ye Susu seemed to be used to it too, didn't care too much, and turned his gaze to the little girl aside.

"Peas, long time no see."

Doudou nodded, rolled his big eyes twice, and handed Ye Susu the delicate little box he was holding.

Ye Susu happily took it and touched Xiao Doudou's head.

"Thank Doudou. You will definitely like it in pairs."

Doudou's mouth moved, but he didn't say anything. He just smiled with his big eyes bent, and then, his big eyes dropped behind Ye Susu.

Pei Anzhi walked over with her little couple and greeted Sheng Yuchen.

When looking down at Xiao Doudou, she managed to see the strange light gleaming in Doudou's big eyes.

Pei Anzhi knew that Xiaodoudou was hitting his little idea, and smiled slightly.

The light in Xiaodoudou's eyes brightened.

Ye Susu hurriedly interjected and took Sheng Yuchen and Doudou to the rest room at the back. Susu’s mother Su Yao and sister Ye Anqi arrived a week ago. When a few people arrived early, they all chatted with Mr. Pei at the back and saw that Sheng Yuchen was also there today. I was a little surprised when I came here.

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