It's just that sometimes when my own brother asks who she likes best, it gets a headache!

[The four boys are the sons of Shang Yunxi and Lan Aoxiu, Lan Tingjue (Baobao), Ye Susu, and Pei An's son Pei Yunze (two pairs), Mu Chuqing and Sheng Yuchen's son (Ganghua), Xu Jun and He Su Nuan's son ( Fart)]

Isn't this killing her?

Which is not her heart?

In the end, he could only look at his own brother helplessly and sadly, "It's not you anyway!"

But brother, you and I are so handsome, okay?

It's a pity that we are close relatives, no matter how sad you are, you won't leave your sister, right?

Good brother!

Good job?


Doudou took his four younger brothers to "went north and south" and became famous and had a happy life.

Kind, always insatiable, the four "little brothers" can no longer satisfy Doudou, so she is ready to open up "harem!"

Because of these stunning "four noble concubines", Doudou's vision is getting higher and higher!

For a year or two, I really didn't find a man comparable to the "Four Great Concubines".


Doudou was in the fourth grade of elementary school. All the female students in the class were fans of TF's P3. Even the male students were not spared. They all walked in the style of P3.

Doudou failed to sink into it.

Because the "four noble concubines" around her are also unmatched!

However, she really likes the female celebrity, the beautiful woman who just appeared on the Chinese TV screen just a few days ago.

A work seems to be called "Queen".

For this work, it was shortlisted for the Golden Bird Awards.

I'm afraid that when the awards ceremony begins, there is a chance to sit in the position of the queen.

Acting as a queen, as a queen, this is very natural.

"In midsummer, which of the three small ones do you like?" a classmate asked Doudou.

Doudou shrugged, "It's all fine, but I like Yuan Yao the most!"

"Yuan Yao? Yeah, I've heard that my mother is pestering my father to take her to the UK to watch her movies!"

Doudou, she has already seen it!

Aunt Susu gave Mommy the resources, otherwise she would not pay attention to this female star named Yuan Yao!

She is really beautiful!

And that movie describes the mental journey of an ordinary woman step by step towards the Queen's Road.

The temperament has changed a little bit, and finally became the head of the noble ladies. It is really fascinating between the gestures!

"No need to go! I heard that her "Queen" has been heavily paid for the copyright to be shown in various domestic theaters and online channels. We will be able to see it soon!"

"Wow, midsummer, I must tell my mother when I go back, she will be very happy!"

"Well, just make your mother happy!" Doudou echoed. It's no secret anyway. The news will come out in two days!


On weekends, Doudou dominates TV and dances dazzlingly, sweating profusely!

I looked at the beams in the corner where I unloaded the good toys and started to assemble, and shook his head helplessly!

Mommy and Dad did not go downstairs early in the morning. Whenever they have time, they are tired of being together. Isn't it annoying? Did they forget that they also have two beautiful and lovely children?

The dancing mood disappeared immediately, so I turned off the game and switched the TV to tv state.

"...By then, Yuan Yao, the lead actor of "Queen", will return to China tomorrow to build momentum for the domestic box office!"

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