Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1482: Film and television copyright

Although her grandmother was a commoner of Chinese nationality, she was smart, gentle, aristocratic, and with only the unique temperament of Chinese women, she soon gained the favor of the royal family. Since then, the British royal family has even opened up stateless marriages. Their first duke, all of them were Chinese wives.

As for why, he will become a movie actor. There is no reason. It is just a whim of a few years. He wants to find a reason in China, a reason for the entire Duke of Gloucester to not marry an Oriental woman for several generations. .

From the uncompromising arrogance at the beginning to the gradual transformation of the woman in front of him, it was not until the advent of "Queen" that he suddenly realized the reason why the grandfather insisted on marrying his grandmother back then, the "queen" in the play, in fact, It was a close-up of the grandmother.

Yuan Yao is just this work alone, which has revived the circle of aristocratic and celebrities in Britain, and has raised the few celebrity gatherings in recent years to an unprecedented prosperity.

She has become a favorite female star among women all over the world. She is afraid that she will be the star who can capture most of the same-sex fans in this history.

Yuan Yao's success was not because of him.

She has the ability to get him to help her, but the effort she puts in is what he can't help even if he wants to help.

After all, he just introduced her to a film school.

Oh, maybe, helping her hinder unnecessary troubles is also a help.

It's just that I can't hide it anymore.

Not only because Yuan Yao's success must be noticeable, but before that, Yuan Yao's whereabouts could not be kept secret.

Only two entertainment companies have almost an unshakable position in the world's entertainment industry!

It’s just that the actor Li Yufeng, who was six years ago, started his own entertainment company three years ago. It has developed rapidly. The power of the Li family is daunting. Last year, the Li family’s in-laws, Sheng family, wanted to show their favor to the Li family. He added another kick to consolidate the position of Young Master Li, and the combination of the Li Sheng and his two families made his colleagues even more frightened.

But after all, it is only a three-year-old company.

In comparison, the entertainment company of the Xia Family in Kyoto is the only one. This year, it has direct access to the entertainment circle of various countries. At the same time, the recruitment of film and television academies worldwide is unstoppable. Yuan Yao's whereabouts have long been exposed.

He thought that Xia Mingxiu would be unable to bear it, and rushed over non-stop, but for more than four months, he had never been to the UK for half a step.

While he was taking it lightly, he suddenly learned that the copyright of "Queen" in Chinese theaters and online broadcasts had been taken by Xia Mingxiu.

Naturally, in order to build momentum for the domestic market, Yuan Yao's entertainment company unpreparedly promised Yuan Yao to go to China to promote the film.

In fact, it's no wonder that entertainment companies and film and television companies are not prepared. Now that "Queen" has achieved extraordinary results, how can film companies and entertainment companies give up the huge Chinese market.

Entering the Chinese market is a matter of certainty. It is just a matter of time and to whom.

Two choices, followed by the rise of Li Yufeng's "Haina Media".

"Aurora International" controlled by Xia Mingxiu.

However, the copyright of "Queen", the major broadcast channels and the proportion of revenue distribution, publicity, and copyright fees promised by "Aurora International" cannot make film and television companies unmoved.


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