Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1484: Wind Feast 2

The Huatian Hall in Kyoto is the largest banquet venue in China that was jointly invested by several large companies the previous year.

The location is very suitable for the aesthetics of most people in modern times, luxury, luxury, beauty and romance!

The sea is built artificially, and the Great Hall stands majestically in the middle of the sea. On the shore is an eight-meter-wide avenue. Countless celebrities and luxury cars are still orderly driving towards the gorgeous and luxurious villas in the middle of the sea.

eight pm!

Countless well-known international movie stars and aristocratic celebrities have come here. They want to see Yuan Yao’s true face, and even want to "discuss" the so-called real celebrities with Yuan Yao.

The grand event of the entire hall tonight is the most grand banquet in Kyoto's history.

Before entering the hall, the symphony ensemble was sometimes melodious and sometimes magnificent.

When people are just outside, there is an urge to rush in immediately.

At the meeting, Pei Anzhi was helpless by Ye Susu's obsession, and could only accompany Ye Susu to see the good friend she was proud of.

And Sheng Yuchen also probably because of this reason, but in order to get rid of the two treasures at home, willingly, he automatically invited Ying to bring Mu Chuqing to Kyoto to attend this banquet.

The music is melodious, the men and women are dressed in glamorous clothes, their faces are beautiful, it is comparison, flattery, false or fake, the surface is peaceful, and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

There were all kinds of celebrities and nobles at the venue, brightly dressed, in fact, between men and women, just an understatement of each other's eyes conveyed a very vague and obvious hint.

Ye Susu and Mu Chuqing didn’t know the trickyness of it, each of them tightly pulled the excellent men around them, sitting on the four-person seats in the corner, and even forced the men into the corner by coincidence. They were very regretful and took them. It is simply the biggest mistake to come.

Pei An is dressed in a black Italian Rubinacci high-tailor tailored suit. The man's appearance and posture do not need to be described in detail. He is handsome and extraordinary. A cold face can successfully attract countless blue eyes of a bunch of celebrities. The eyeliner at the end of the eye is full of eyes. About to throw away, the more Pei Anzhi ignored, the more energetic a few women became.

Although Pei Anzhi performed well, Ye Susu still couldn't help complaining.

"What do you wear this dress for?"

Pei Anzhi curled her lips, "Otherwise, what clothes do you think I should wear?"

Ye Susu immediately turned his head, glanced up and down at Pei Anzhi's body, and pressed his lips to silence.

Everything is the same!

This man!

On the other hand, Sheng Yuchen, who is also in a black suit with a high-order Kiton lapel, is mature and stable, noble and cold, and his eye-catching skills are not much worse than Pei An. Mu Chuqing did not speak, but occasionally turned his head and glanced at Sheng Yuchen, which seemed like a smile but not a smile. The look in his eyes was enough to make Sheng Yuchen's scalp numb.

Before Yuan Yao arrived, Xia Mingxiu was naturally the temporary guest of honor at this banquet, although he was actually the one who prepared the banquet.

But here, half of the entertainment industry is condensed. The theme of this banquet is the movie and the entertainment industry. Even if Sheng Yuchen and Pei Anzhi are present, they are still laymen.

Xia Mingxiu wore a camel-colored Attolini suit with an indifferent and calm face. He was toasted and drank with them by well-known screenwriters, directors, celebrities and others in the circle, and occasionally took the opportunity to talk about cooperation.

Ye Susu's eyes had been scanning Xia Mingxiu's figure intentionally or unintentionally, and finally, frozen, and then sighed.

"It took a lot of trouble to do so much, but to force Yuan Yao back home? Does he really understand Yuan Yao?"

The fluttering words fell in Pei Anzhi’s ears, and he raised his eyes and glanced at Xia Mingxiu who seemed calm and calm in the distance...

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