Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1493: boyfriend

"He must now play chess with the earl in the woods of the Welsh manor."

Ye Susu nodded again and again.

"If you have a chance, can you let me meet? That kid!"

Yuan Yao paused.

"Can't it?"

Ye Susu's face was disappointed. This should have been a normal thing, but now, it is the biggest extravagance.

Yuan Yao was deeply guilty and suffocated with depression in her heart. She couldn't breathe out of her bulge. In the end, she took Ye Susu's hand and said softly:

"Susu, if I can, I won't return to China, or I won't return to China so soon! However, Xia Mingxiu is too terrible, even Mu Yan can't stop him. I'm afraid if he doesn't stand up again, he will treat the child Also find out. I can't..."

Yuan Yao's eyes were stained with panic, and the hand holding Ye Susu couldn't help clinging tightly.

"If he knew Wen Qian's existence, I...I don't know what he would do..."

Ye Susu nodded silently, and then said softly:

"I know……"

Yuan Yao said again, "Susu, give me some time, nothing, I can't make it through!"

This means that Xia Mingxiu will eventually become a thing of the past, and she will definitely succeed in getting rid of him.

The conversation between the two seemed endless, until the door of the room was knocked.

"Miss Yuan, it's time to be there."

"Got it!"

Yuan Yao responded at the door, holding Ye Susu's arms, smiling:

"Let me introduce Wen Muyan to you."


Returning to the banquet hall, Yuan Yao once again became the focus of the audience. It was a more gorgeous and noble dress than before, and a more beautiful and perfect face than the makeup just now.

Upon seeing this, Wen Muyan hurriedly walked to Yuan Yao's side, staring at Yuan Yao with amazing eyes, "It's so beautiful."

The unabashed praise made Yuan Yao smile slightly.

The moment that smile bloomed, Wen Muyan's eyes paused, and he took Yuan Yao's hand and gently pulled her into his arms.

"Laugh more beautifully, smile at me more in the future, eh?"

"Sooner or later you will get bored!"

Wen Muyan suddenly raised his face, stretched out his hand on his shoulder, and sweared, "I swear, I won't be bored in my life."

Yuan Yao couldn't bear the subtle gentlemanly demeanor of Wen Muyan, and the sweet words made her feel ashamed for the first time in front of Ye Susu.

"Okay..." She smiled and took Wen Muyan's arm, pulling him to face Yuan Yao, not continuing to make Wen Muyan "excessive"!

Disappointment flashed in Wen Muyan's eyes, Yuan Yao's obvious escape behavior had been experienced many times in the past five years.

Ye Susu looked at Wen Muyan with a helpless and bitter smile because of facing them.

A flash of helplessness flashed in my heart.

"Susu, this is Wen Muyan, my...boyfriend. Muyan, this is my best friend in my life, Ye Susu."

Wen Muyan's dim eyes were instantly brightened by Yuan Yao's introduction, and he looked at Yuan Yao in surprise.

Only for a moment, he immediately reached out a polite gentleman, took Ye Susu's hand, and gently kissed the back of her hand.

"Hello there."

Ye Susu smiled and nodded, and responded generously, "Hello, Mr. Wen, thank you for taking care of Yuan Yao over the past five years."

"No, it's my honor. I'm willing to take care of her forever."

As Wen Muyan said, looking affectionately and intently at Yuan Yao beside her, she dropped a soft kiss on her forehead, the love in her eyes was not hidden.

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