Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 150: You investigate me

"Why, miss me?"

Mu Chuqing glanced at him sideways.

Xu Junyu looked at Mu Chuqing with a smile, Xie Si's face gradually cooled.

"Don't carry it yourself if you have any problems, tell me if you have difficulties!"

Mu Chuqing paused with the water cup in her hand, and she was moved by Xu Jun's serious expression.

Xu Jun and looked at her sideways, their eyes filled with black and white, with a bit of coldness and...feeling.

"I found something about you..."

Mu Chuqing looked cold, "Are you investigating me?"

"I want to know you better!"

Xu Junyu looked calm, with an indefensible arrogance.

"What did you find?"

Mu Chuqing had already taken back the coldness on her face and asked indifferently.

For Xu Jun and a man of this kind, how could he allow an unidentified woman to hang around by his side?

She understands.

Moreover, her past is no longer a secret, it is the same whether it is checked or not.

Xu Junyu looked at Mu Chuqing: "Do you want me to intervene in your affairs?"

Mu Chuqing frowned without hesitation.

"I don't want to!"

Her own affairs must be handled by herself.

Xu Junyu curled her lips, without much expression on her face. Obviously, she was not surprised by Mu Chuqing's answer.

"I will arrange two people for you!"


Mu Chuqing asked him with eyebrows.

Upon seeing this, Xu Junyu smiled, his eyes wandering thoughtfully on Mu Chuqing's face.

"You will need it!"

Fucheng Hospital, the deputy director of the obstetrics and gynecology department retired the previous week, and now it is the meeting to decide the new candidate.

Chen Lin has been in the hospital for eight years and is now in her early thirties. She is beautiful and sexy. She can talk to the directors of various departments in the hospital. No one can tell who is the lover, but no matter who it is. My son, one of the things that can serve the table but not the table is that she has taken over the specializing doctor of the young wife of the Sheng family four years ago, and now she has been the next young wife of the Sheng family. Specialist doctor.

Now, the young master of the Sheng family, as well as the next young wife, are in the hospital. Although the scandal of canceling the marriage contract two days ago was so troubled, it was speculation by the entertainment news after all, and the Sheng family has not given a reply.

Whether the marriage is cancelled or delayed is still unknown.

Chen Lin didn't know what method was used, and she was stunned that the meeting was stuck in this time period.

The power of this hospital is in the hands of the Sheng family. If the deputy director of the obstetrics and gynecology department of the district is in the hands of the Sheng family, the dean will naturally have a sense of measure.

Not surprisingly, Chen Lin took over as deputy director of obstetrics and gynecology.

The deputy director who had just been appointed as the new official was very energetic, and when the meeting broke up, he strutting, his expression arrogant as a rooster just winning a fight.

Opened the office door, stepped on the eight-centimeter high-heeled shoes, stuck under the groove under the door, his body was awkward and unsteady. With a "click" and a crack, the whole person fell on the ground with a "pop|"

There was a burst of laughter from the people behind him. Although the directors felt sorry for them, no one dared to help them.

Because there were a few people standing at the door, all dressed in black, with a cold face, exuding an aura that no strangers should enter.

One of the men in casual clothes sneered coldly and made a gesture.

"take away!"

Chen Lin didn't even have time to scream, so she was framed by two men in black, and her high heels eventually got stuck in the groove.

"What are you doing?!"

"let me go!"

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