Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1504: He does not deny that

"Muyan, enough!" Yuan Yaoren suddenly interrupted Wen Muyan's words, and his head began to swell.

She didn't know what her sudden guilt was all about, "Mu Yan, have you ever thought about it carefully, is it worth it for you to do this? I have nothing, what can I give you... Oh, I have Wen Qian, and I also have Wen Qian..."

She also has a son born to another man!

"Don't do that, Yao, you know, how much I love that little guy Wenqian!"

Yuan Yao still didn't hold back, and she never let herself cry easily, but was always flooded in front of Wen Muyan.

"Mu Yan, I know too well. If I miss you, I will be the stupidest and biggest fool in the world." Tears were like breaking a bank, speaking the most true words.

There will always be such a kind of people in this world. Knowing that the people who are close at hand are the most correct choice. They can give all your lovers everything you dream of, tenderness, tolerance, true feelings, even power, status, money, and glory. , But this type of person always has the saddest relationship that is most difficult to let go, a hateful and unforgettable person,

She Yuan Yao, unfortunately, is one of these people.

Inferior group.

Wen Muyan smiled, took Yuan Yao's hand to her lips and kissed gently.

"Although I really want to say, let you not be the most stupid and biggest fool, but I still support you to understand everything..."

As Wen Muyan said, he curled up his slender fingers and wiped away the tears on Yuan Yao's face with his soft fingertips.

Finally, he sighed helplessly, "You who eat soft or hard temper... I said I won't make you cry, but I think I should be the one who has seen you tear the most in this world. people……"

Yuan Yao sniffed, with a cute nasal sound, murmured: "Yes, you are the man who sees me crying the most, are you honored?"

Wen Muyan smiled and answered honestly, "I don’t know. As my girlfriend, not letting you cry is my promise to you, but seeing your most true and defenseless side, I think this may be an honor for a family Is it bad in nature to violate my promise but secretly complacent?"

Wen Muyan frankly opened up this difficult question and threw it to Yuan Yao.

Yuan Yao didn't know how to answer.

However, he mentioned the word "girlfriend".

Yes, it's a girlfriend.

It was in front of Wen Muyan's father, Lord Earl, in the eyes of the royal family and nobles, and in the whole of England. Even in front of the earl, the duke’s foreign friend, all.

In this world, she and Wen Muyan are the most alternative boy and girl friends.

In the UK, people’s perception of emotions is always easy to preconceive and subtly influence men and women who are close to each other to a degree of course.

As long as Wen Muyan appears in public, beside him, she is the only one who will remain the same forever,

When a man appears in public, the female companion next to him is not necessarily his partner.

The most important communication among the nobles is actually just the scene. The gentleman brings a female partner to a banquet and always introduces, "This is my female partner" instead of saying "This is my partner" or "girlfriend".

Few people believe that the female partner you took out for the first time even if you introduce her as your girlfriend.

Correspondingly, just like Yuan Yao, Wen Muyan has repeatedly introduced him as his female partner, and others "knowingly" believe that she is his girlfriend.

Wen Muyan does not deny it.

Yuan Yao did not argue either.

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