Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1512: You can try

"Yuan Yao, do you think you have lived too long!" It was a voice almost grinded from the gap between the teeth.

"How is it possible? Sister, I still want to live for five hundred years!"

Xia Mingxiu stared at her for a long time, and the corners of her lips moved slightly.

"Old witch?"

"Get out! I'm so handsome now! Five hundred years later, I will definitely look better than you!"

Xia Mingxiu narrowed his eyebrows and looked at her solemnly, with a warm smile on his lips.

Yuan Yao's scalp was numb when he saw it, and she seemed to think that what he said just now was too much for Xia Ming's face.

"What to look at?! Is there a monitor?!"


Yuan Yao glanced at her, "I don't believe it!!"

Xia Mingxiu pursed his lips, "Do you still ask if you don't believe me?!"

"It's just to see how ridiculous you are when you are lying and not blushing or breathing!"

Xia Mingxiu manually moved on the side, he really wanted to choke the dead woman in front of him for a moment!

Yuan Yao's gaze fell behind Xia Mingxiu, and her domineering face instantly returned to calm.

Xia Mingxiu didn't turn around, his face was already gloomy in an instant.

"Mu Yan..."

Yuan Yao yelled softly, her tone of gentleness that she had never felt towards Xia Mingxiu.

Wen Muyan's indifferent face put a smile on Yuan Yao's shout, and walked in slowly from the door.

"what happened?"

Yuan Yao glared at Xia Mingxiu, ran to Wen Muyan, took his arm i,

"Mu Yan, arrange for the people we brought in tomorrow. I don't like the servants here!"

This sudden, mindless question made everyone present overwhelmed.

The servants who had been named by the group shrank their necks, and all looked dumbfounded.

Wen Muyan glanced at her with a smile, and finally looked at Xia Mingxiu, who was opposite.

"Mr. Xia, it seems that I must trouble you."

have to?

The compulsory words are so euphemistic, I am afraid that only Wen Muyan,

Xia Mingxiu looked at Yuan Yao with cold eyes, his lips flattened.

"It's a small matter! As long as she can settle down, I'm happy to be responsive to her!"

Yuan Yao snorted and stared at him, "You can't bear it, you don't have to bear it, you can't dare to respond if you ask, if you can't meet my requirements, we will move out, the outside is safer and freer than here!"


Wen Muyan tilted her head slightly, looking at Yuan Yao's vivid and bright face when facing Xia Mingxiu, her warm and moist eyes swayed slightly.

He wanted to remind her a little bit that Xia Ming needed some face-saving, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say anything.

Yuan Yao who faced Xia Mingxiu was the real Yuan Yao.

Because what she just saw was Yuan Yao who was the most vigorous, smart and bright.

But Yuan Yao was always so gentle and considerate by his side, almost perfect, she could even give him a frank reason to play temper.

And just now, she was unreasonably unreasonable and unprincipled like a little monkey in front of Xia Mingxiu, whether she was angry or playing rogue, she was not perfect.

"Don't worry, don't hesitate to ask if you have any requests. In this world, there is still nothing that Xia Mingxiu wants and cannot get, let alone what you want, I can't give you!"

Yuan Yao glanced at him and snorted coldly, "Arrogant!"

Xia Mingxiu smiled low.

Raising her foot and walking to Yuan Yao's side, "You can try!"


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