Yuan Yao clasped Wen Muyan's hand with his backhand, and actively entangled Wen Muyan's ten fingers.

"Your method may be the most correct."

Wen Muyan's decadent eyes lit up instantly.

She did not reject him!

Excitedly, she raised Yuan Yao's hand to her lips and kissed her, her eyes could not hide the affection.

Yuan Yao curled her lips and smiled slightly.

Yes, this is the shortest and most useful way.


There was still some time before the reporter's meeting, Yuan Yao could not stay quietly in this manor, so she took the car key and went downstairs.

Although Wen Muyan said it many times, Yuan Yao always insisted on driving out for a drive by herself.

Wen Muyan had no choice but to give up. The red and flamboyant Lamborghini parked in the large parking lot of the manor. Yuan Yao put on her flat shoes and got in the car. As soon as the engine sounded, the car suddenly ran out.

Xia Mingxiu stood in the study room on the second floor, watching the car leave unscrupulously, with deep eyes.

When the phone rang, Yuan Yao was driving the car to the suburbs.

After answering the call, Yuan Yao's agent Serena's sharp voice came from inside.

"Ancestor, I drove out by myself?! At the press conference at 3 pm, you must not give me late, this time is the real domestic debut! Be sure to be on time!! Heard no!! How many people They are all staring at you, be careful, let others give you boat shoes!!"

Yuan Yao took a deep breath, "I see..."

"Don't just say it, you must do it!! Just your IQ, if someone sells you, you have to count the money for others!! God, I really have to worry about it!!"

"Then you are really working hard, don't worry, even if I sell, I will try to sell myself a little higher."

"My-god!! I really can't save you... Anyway, at half past two, I must see you backstage, have you heard?!"

"I know, I will show up at the meeting on time!"

"It was in the background at half past two..."

Serena was still shouting, Yuan Yao had hung up the phone.

Her thin lips were pressed tightly, and there was no more relaxation on her face.

She was chaotic in her head now, and she couldn't react.

What she is doing now, Mu Yan is so good, so good, there is nothing bad about spending a lifetime with him, nothing bad.

The car stopped on a lush tree-lined path, Yuan Yao crouched on the steering wheel, motionless.

There was a deep breath in her heart, and she didn't even have the strength to vent.

Why is it that what should have been taken for granted, letting it go, is really now, she is now so resistant.


She knew the reason, but the more she understood, the more she felt there was a hole in her head.

It was only a few short months between her and him, how about Wen Muyan? Staying with her for five years...

She shouldn't have this kind of thought again because of emotion and reason!

With a faint sigh, Yuan Yao seemed to have thought of something, took out the white chiffon embroidered clutch bag, and turned out the phone.

On the screen, a pair of tender and tender, short legs.

There is only one pair of legs, no upper body, and no facial contours.

Because the indifferent little guy protested several times, he was not allowed to use his photo to show off, nor could he understand the tenderness of himself in the photo.

But she thought it was so cute. She had no choice but to play tricks with the little guy. She only took a pair of calves. He was not happy anymore, and there was no evidence that this was his picture.

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