Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1526: Country Disaster

Yuan Yao turned her back and took out her silver high-heeled shoes from the back seat. She bent over and changed her shoes. Then she glanced sideways at Xia Mingxiu, who was quietly looking at her. She held her skirt in her hand and gently stretched her leg out of the car. ...

Xia Mingxiu reached out and held Yuan Yao's hand, slightly hard, and almost mischievously pulling Yuan Yao out of the car, Yuan Yao's feet were unstable, and his body slightly leaned against Xia Mingxiu's arms.

She frowned and stared at him angrily, but saw that he was not ridiculed by his illness, and looked at her deeply with a secret expression.

Yuan Yao straightened up from his arms calmly and bowed her head to tidy up the hem of her skirt, but Xia Mingxiu's eyes fell on the bunch of flowers on Yuan Yao's forehead, and her lips were slightly pursed.

"Why are you here?" Yuan Yao lowered her head and asked softly.

"Aurora's performance in the second half of the year depends on the results of "Queen". Your every move is related to my entire Aurora's performance."


Yuan Yao snorted coldly. I really don't know how much this sentence is true or false.

But for the specific reasons, she didn’t want to go back,

He stretched his arms around Xia Mingxiu's arms, straightened his body, straightened his head, and took a step forward confidently.

Xia Mingxiu glanced sideways at her, her deep and charming eyes flashed with light, and her lips twitched slightly.

Fans who have been stupefied saw Yuan Yao walking around from the side of the car, and saw that beautiful face with delicate makeup, the elegant skirt on her body, coupled with the ingenious hair design, was amazing to the bone.

The fan group broke out in an instant, and bursts of screams and confession could pierce people's eardrums.

Yuan Yao's lips raised a gentle smile, waved to the fans on the left and right, and nodded.

The response from fans was also very enthusiastic.

Xia Mingxiu's usual face is serious and cold.

The wise black eyes swept across the fans in the square, and said softly: "Is this what you want?"

Yuan Yao was waving her hand to the fans on one side to greet her. When she turned her head back, her smile still remained.

"Whether it is or not, none of these are for me!"

Xia Mingxiu's eyes were cold, "So you are now ambiguous with Wen Muyan, are you repaying him for his knowledge of you?"

Yuan Yao's hand holding Xia Mingxiu's arm tightened, and most of the smile on her face narrowed.

"You are really arrogant, Wen Muyan is also the First Duke of England, how dare you to mock him like this?"

Xia Mingxiu snorted coldly, "It's a pity that I am not a politician of the capital, otherwise, I will definitely rise to the political-political conflict between the two countries! If that is the case, it is all thanks to you, the evil fairy of the country."

Yuan Yao's eyes flickered, and she felt a little embarrassed. He raised his eyes and glanced at him. Xia Mingxiu looked at her sideways, and finally a smile on his cold face, with unclear intentions.

After a long while, Yuan Yao calmed down, "Come on, I don't want to be burned to death by fire!"

"There are many ways to repay the kindness..."

Xia Mingxiu said again.

Yuan Yao’s boredom that had just been suppressed in the suburbs suddenly rose again,


It's not because Xia Mingxiu said something wrong, but what he said happened to hit her pain point.

Wen Muyan did have an appreciation for her, but afterwards, it was all the efforts she made.

But Yuanyao hates Xia Mingxiu for denying all her efforts so lightly, hate Xia Mingxiu for her ability to rely on a man's superiority, and hate him even more, poking into what she least wants to admit,

He said she was in return for Wen Muyan...

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