Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1529: Mental shadow

"Yeah, the unspoken rules of the entertainment industry prevail. How many women want to get into his bed, do everything they want, and in the end they still dig their own graves, but this..."

"Don't talk, take a picture before talking!"

"By the way, don't you always say that President Xia started looking for a woman five years ago..."

"By the way! Yuan Yao, it's Yuan Yao!!!"

"Yes, yes, yes! I remember the movie that President Xia invested in as the largest shareholder back then. It was called...what was it called... yes, "Upper", didn't the filming of that movie ceased? Back then the entire "Upper" In the video released by the crew, Yuan Yao was the one who was pushed into the water from the boat! I heard that she was finally admitted to the yard, and there was no news of her since then!"

"Yes! According to the information I have collected, Yuan Yao is not afraid of heights or water. Why was she hospitalized in the first place?"

"I don't know this..."

The reporters' words came to Yuan Yao's ears intermittently, her body trembling fiercely, and the embarrassment and fear that had been pushed into the water by Liang Luo once again hit her.

Yes, she is not afraid of heights or water!

She also didn't want to be like this when she thought of the past!

However, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand to cover the flat lower abdomen, trembling, that position was now aching. ,

She knew that it was not a real physical pain. When she first came to the UK, she would dream about the situation every night. The pain in her lower abdomen made her die alive. Wen Muyan asked her many doctors. After no results, Wen Muyan asked her. Psychologist.

The doctor said that the accident caused a serious psychological shadow on her.

At the beginning, she cared so much about the child in her belly. She even walked carefully, fearing that there would be any accidents, but was pushed down from a height maliciously. The helplessness and the fear of realizing that she was about to lose her child made her almost Total collapse,

Although the child was saved later, the shadow in my heart did not dissipate relatively.

The year when she first arrived in the UK was probably the hardest time in her life.

And all these difficulties came with Wen Muyan.

Since Wen Qian was born, the little guy has almost occupied her body and mind, and nightmares have become rare,

Gradually forget the "accident"!

But now she is mentioned without shyness, every word is like every frame forming a business card, and the most unmentioned scene is gradually sketched in her mind.

Yuan Yao's face was pale, she bit her lips tightly, sweat leaked from her forehead, and the strength in her body gradually faded.

Xia Mingxiu noticed something was wrong, and looked down, only to see Yuan Yao's trembling hands clutching her lower abdomen!

A pain flashed through his eyes, and it was almost a ghost who touched her hand, and what he touched was a biting cold.

Her whole body was basically leaning against his arms, and the sponge baby toy was tightly clamped under the armpit of her other hand, but she gradually began to slide!

"what happened to you!?"

Xia Mingxiu asked him in a low voice in surprise. If he listened carefully, he was indifferent and surprised with a hint of panic.

Yuan Yao raised her head and looked at him. She had a pair of rosy lips biting tightly, oozing red blood beads, her pale face was bloodless, her eyes glowing red because of makeup. With misty eyes, stubbornly shook his head at him!

Xia Mingxiu really hated her toughness and tenacity when facing him!

Is it that difficult to be soft with him? !

But this time, Yuan Yao couldn't wait to change his mouth and compromise with him, stooping to hold Yuan Yao sideways...

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