What's more, she has just successfully transplanted her uterus here and lost her uterus once, so she is very careful here.

Mu Chuqing didn't deviate in the slightest, and stomped straight on her lower abdomen, really trying to ruin her.

"Chen! Chen... Save me!"

At the moment, Chang Chu was crying with tears, struggling and screaming like a person being divided by five horses.

Sheng Yuchen's face sank, and he took two steps forward!

"you dare!"

Mu Chuqing suddenly turned her head and yelled at Sheng Yuchen, her feet pressed harder!

Sheng Yuchen's footsteps froze in place, his black eyes filled with anger.

"Let her go!"

The corner of Mu Chuqing's lips evokes a cold arc!

it is good!

It is indeed Sheng Yuchen, who is aggressive towards her!

"I'm not!"

Mu Chuqing squinted her eyes and looked at him provocatively.

Sheng Yuchen's face suddenly began to sink, and no one could disobey him so presumptuously.

However, he didn't know what to do with this woman.

"Mu Chuqing, don't force me to say it a third time, let her go!"

Mu Chuqing looked at Sheng Yuchen deeply and saw that his eyes were indeed warning her, her heart became colder, and her face suddenly smiled.

"What? Sheng Yuchen, your wine finally woke up?!"

When she woke up, he knew how to make her feel more chilled.

Mu Chuqing had ruthless despair and despair on her face.

"Sheng Yuchen, you have never changed. Just like back then, you didn't even ask, why on earth did I treat this woman like this?"


Sheng Yuchen's lips moved, and he wanted to ask, but the expression on Mu Chuqing's face made his heart desolate.

"Chuqing, you let the people go first, what happened?"

Sheng Zhengyu knew his son's arrogance in his heart, and he was even more certain that Chu Qing occupies an extraordinary position in Yu Chen's heart.

He has never been disobedient, even his mother, after learning that she had come to bully Chu Qing, was even more furious, not even the slightest room for his mother.

As for Chang Chu...


Sheng Zhengyu sighed inwardly, this woman was self-interested, but for the sake of that year, using the guilt and responsibility in Yu Chen's heart, she has been binding Yu Chen until now.

Listening to Sheng Zhengyu's opening, Mu Chuqing glanced at Sheng Zhengyu with a cool gaze, and finally looked down at Chang Chu.

She was trembling, staring at her fiercely.

What a bitter and deep hatred!


Mu Chuqing bends down and slaps again!

Can't wait, she can't wait for a moment!

She wanted to wait until she Chang Chu had nothing, and took her to kneel in front of her son's gravestone and kowtow to admit her mistake!

She wants to let her poor child know that even if he was never born, her mother will always love her the most!

She wanted to give him all his love, but she didn't even have a chance! !

It's all because of this woman, the so-called "true love" in her mouth!

The hatred in Mu Chuqing's eyes burst out again, and she bent down and suddenly lifted Chang Chu up, dragged her towards the elevator.

"Chang Chu, I ask you to kowtow to admit your mistakes right now in front of my children!"


What kid?

Although Chang Chu was horrified by the current Mu Chuqing, when he heard the child in her mouth, he couldn't help but tremble!

Isn't her child already dead?

Several people in the Sheng family were also shocked. Sheng Zhengyu frowned and chased after Mu Chuqing first.

Sheng Yuchen was stunned for a moment, and rushed out of the hospital while wearing the hospital gown.

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